To install a theme without messing around with FTP use the built in WordPress theme installer.
“Appearance >> Themes”
“Install Themes” Tab
Browse for the themes zip file ( and click the “Install Now” button. Wait for it to upload, depending on your server settings you might have problems with permissions, you have to set the permissions of the Upload folder to allow uploads.
I had uploaded the theme through FTP. Despite deleting and uploading i always got the message ” you do not have sufficient permission to access this page”.
I then uploaded it through the wordpress interface
Sounds like the folders permissions isn’t set to allow WordPress to write to the folder the WordPress theme installer is trying to temporarily move the zip file to so it can extract it. Some hosts/servers are setup to allow write access, some aren’t.
The solutions is to change the permissions of the folder it says you can’t move the zip file to. To make sure it works, temporarily change the permissions to 777, after you’ve installed Stallion change the permissions back to what it was before (leaving at 777 is a security issue).
You can use an FTP program like Filezilla (browse to the folder, right click it and click permissions, note down the numbers so you can change it back and change to 777) or possibly via your Control Panel, each Control Panel is different, so no idea how yours would work. After the themes installed change the permissions back.
Could also be you’ve uploaded a theme to the wrong folder and it’s breaking a theme options page. If you add a theme folder within another folder:
You’ll get the permissions error because the theme options page code will be looking for the files within the correct folder.
Each time I do an update the zip file gets bigger, Stallion 6.1 is just over 5mb, extracts to under 10mbs. It’s bigger than WordPress zipped, it’s all those banner images :-)
If your hosting limits the disk space or your PHP upload setting (forget what the setting is called) is below 6mb you are going to run into problems.
That error sounds like your hosting is running out of space between the combination of temporarily uploading the zip file (6MBs) to your site plus extracting it (10MBs), so you temprarily need around 15MBs added to whatever is currently on the site (including the old Stallion files that will be deleted after the update, so 20MB to be safe).
I’m uploading 95% of my sites using FTP, I’ve used the custom-widget.php file a lot so some of my sites have a custom file I don’t want to upload over. I would check what your host allows you to upload and use FTP, comparing the extracts file sizes of Stallion 6.0.1 to 6.1, the update is a few MBs bigger, so if using FTP be sure your host allows you 5MBs more than already used and you’ll be fine..
I’ve spent all day updating sites, I’m going through them alphabetically and at the Vs, so almost there :-) Not had any major problems.
Updating Premium WordPress Themes using the WordPress Theme Installer
Didn’t think you’d make that mistake Mark :-)
Problem is the themes folder already exists and so WordPress refuses to update that way.
Always wondered why you can’t use the WordPress theme uploader/installer to update a theme or reinstall a theme you’ve broken (easy to break a theme using the WordPress built in theme editor), you’d think they would allow us to update/reinstall that way.
Currently if you don’t/can’t use the built in theme updater which for most premium themes isn’t an option because they aren’t added to the WordPress theme repository (note: for future Stallion updates I’ve added an updater, so you’ll be able to update from 6.1 to say 6.2 from the WordPress dashboard from now on) you have to use FTP or as you’ve found rename the current themes folder (which means FTP or other filemanger access), not exactly user friendly.
Funny thing is the ability is there, when you use the WordPress theme updater for a theme in the WordPress theme repository (and Stallion 6.1+), WordPress uploads the zip file to your site (to where ever you have your uploads folder), extracts it and deletes the original themes folder replacing it with the new extracted folder. I can’t see why using the upload a theme WordPress feature couldn’t use this same concept maybe with a warning the current themes folder will be deleted so any customisations will be lost.
Basically means you have to use FTP to update for most premium themes.
Looks like Mark made a couple of typos in his comment above (typed 6.12) since the latest update is Stallion 6.1 as of September 26th 2011. I’ve edited his comment to avoid further confusion.
For future reference when you are running Stallion 6.1+ you’ll be informed within your WordPress Dashboard there’s an update available, added a theme updater in the Stallion 6.1 update.
Just started work on the next update, not sure what will be in the next update yet or a time frame, though plan to concentrate on new colour schemes. So far added two new colour schemes, loosely based on themes in the WordPress theme repository Delicate theme and Coraline theme.
I really messed up when I tried to go from 6.01 to 6.2. At first, while I did the FTP, I created an extra folder within the seo-theme folder with the same name so I deleted the whole folder. Then I redid the upload and that is when I overwrote some files and some I didn’t overwrite because I didn’t want to lose what had been done on my site previously. So, now I get this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function st_wp_generatoroff() in /home/parkerae/public_html/marketingorama/wp-content/themes/stallion-seo-theme/plugins/wp_head_remove_action.php on line 3
I guess the next time, I will apply the updates as I get them instead of skipping any. Is there anyway, you can help resolve this problem or tell me how to start over?
When you say “I didn’t want to lose what had been done on my site previously” are you referring to the options you’ve set or you’ve made custom file changes like uploading your own banner images etc…?
If it’s options you’ve set doing an update won’t overwrite your current Stallion settings, they are safely held in the WordPress database which uploading files doesn’t change. You can safely delete the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder, activate another theme, come back weeks later reinstall Stallion either via FTP or the the WordPress built in theme installer and your old Stallion settings will still be set as you left them.
If you’ve made file changes like uploading your own banner images to the custom folders easiest way to update is use FTP and upload the extracted (extracted from the Stallion 6.2 zip file) /stallion-seo-folder/ over the /wp-content/themes/stallion-seo-theme/ folder. If the customizations are only banner images (not editied template files like the custom-widgets.php file) uploading the new /stallion-seo-theme/ folder via FTP won’t overwrite your banner images held in the custom folders).
When upgrading via FTP be patient and wait for all files to upload before accessing anything under the WordPress Dashboard. If you access the Dashboard early you might get errors as files are overwrote by your FTP program.
If you’ve got no customization and running Stallion 6.1 use the built in theme updater under Appearance >> Themes or Dashboard >> Updates. This option isn’t available in Stallion 6.0 or 6.0.1, use FTP.
Anyway, not 100% sure what you’ve done, sounds like you’ve deleted files and not uploaded new ones.
I would activate TwentyEleven under Appearance >> Themes
Using FTP if your FTP program has this option drag the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder from
This will remove the Stallion files, but not delete them. This way if you have custom files you can add them back in later if you don’t have offline copies.
If you can’t do the above download the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder to your computer so you have a backup copy, when you have a backup copy delete the /stallion-seo-folder/ using your FTP program.
Upload the new /stallion-seo-theme/ (extracted from the 6.2 zip file) to
Reactivate Stallion under Appearance >> Themes
By moving/deleting the Stallion folder and uploading the new one you can be 100% certain you have all the files required and haven’t double upload Stallion, if you put two Stallion theme folder like
You might activate the second one and everything could go wrong. Might even be what you’ve done.
If you have no custom files you should be back up and running normally. If you have customizations they will be missing. If it’s banner images that you have on your PC upload them to the custom folder you have them in before. If another customization repeat whatever you did to the Stallion 6.0.1 files. Difficult to give more advice on customizations without knowing what they are if any.
Edit: Checked your site and the login doesn’t work.
Use FTP and move the Stallion folder as I suggested above without activating TwentyEleven first. If you can’t move folders using FTP make the backup and delete it. When the Stallion folder is gone from the themes folder WordPress with activate the default theme, TwentyEleven giving you access to the Dashboard.
I’m getting the follow error – can’t remember which version of Stallion is on the site .
Fatal error: ThemeUpdateChecker::injectUpdate() [<a href='themeupdatechecker.injectupdate'>themeupdatechecker.injectupdate</a>]: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "ThemeUpdate" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/public_html/wp-content/themes/stallion-seo-theme/plugins/update.php on line 177
The Stallion theme automated update code is from the plugin at
Had no other reports of this issue, had a look for this issue in Google and not found anything like it.
The site with the issue is working fine now, with fatal errors they usually take a site out completely.
Was this a temporary fatal error you no longer see? If so might have been a temporary server issue, nothing broken just a bad connection or something.
You are currently running Stallion 6.1, there’s an update (6.2) you should see under “Dashboard >> Updates” and “Appearance >> Themes”, are you seeing these update notifications? If so have you tried updating?
If you can’t use the automated theme update you can still download the Stallion 6.2 zip file and install using FTP.
BTW when I checked your site I see you are using the Stallion built in Google analytics and Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast v4.2. Not tried the Yoast Google Analytics plugin, if it doesn’t add anything extra I’d stick with the Stallion Google Analytics code, if it’s got extra features (Yoast does some interesting plugins: shame about his WordPress SEO plugin using nofollow :-() use the standalone plugin Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast only (no point loading analytics code twice).
Thanks for the reply. The error only occurs on the admin side.
I think it is a server issue, as it is an intermittent fault. It’s an under-powered Level 3 Hostgator VPS (<1gb memory so httpd crashes regularly). But I can't get into any of the Stallion options without that error at the moment.
I think the themeupdatechecker is being inserted everywhere on the admin side. I got that error on my dashboard in the following areas: WordPress blog, Other wordpress news, Incoming links, plugins. I also get it when I try to clear spam. So I think the theme update checker is not very efficient.
Thanks for the heads up on the duplicate analytics. I like YOASTs plugin for its options. Especially I can disable analytics by role (e.g. Administrator).
I wonder if it’s related to accessing an external server, to check if there’s an update it checks a file on this site to see what the current version is etc… If security settings are set high might cause an issue.
A quick fix would be to remove the check completely and update manually. Easy to do.
Edit the file function.php within the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder and delete the last line of code:
<?php require 'plugins/update.php'; $example_update_checker = new ThemeUpdateChecker('stallion-seo-theme',''); ?>
After removing the above you won’t know if there’s an update available so keep an eye on the mailing list. Also when you update if the same issue reoccurs (probably will as same code used) remove that line again from the updated file.
Might be worth updating to Stallion 6.2 first to see if there’s corrupt files in the current install.
I’ll have to have a look at the Yoast Google Analytics plugin see if there’s any features worth adding to Stallion’s Google Analytics code.
I’ve a couple of almost identical virtual private servers and have one a little overloaded, keeps crashing during peaks of traffic. As a WordPress theme developer it’s a good situation to be in because if I screwup on a code feature and upload it to 30+ WordPress sites on the server it will cause more crashes. That being said plan to get another server to spread sites out more.
I know how much webmasters like to squeeze as much out of their hosting/servers, so I’ve made as much of Stallion as possible in a modular way. The concept is if you don’t use a feature WordPress shouldn’t even load the code required to run the feature.
For example all the ad networks (AdSense, Chitka etc…) if they are disabled on the main Stallion options page none of the ad code is ever loaded (just the Stallion options page for that ad network). AdSense for example has several template files to generate the code, when disabled none of it is loaded (note how the AdSense widgets aren’t available when AdSense is turned off, same for Chitka widgets and Clickbank widgets). Many of the other widgets can be disabled via the options pages, when disabled the code for those widgets isn’t loaded. When setting options the idea is if you don’t use something (like the 125px by 125px banner ads) disable it so the code isn’t loaded wasting server resources.
I’ve even added database queries and memory usage within the footer area for admins to see so they have an idea how their setup is impacting the server. If you add a new plugin and you find it adds a couple of hundred database queries it’s a poorly optimized plugin and ideally wouldn’t be used.
WordPress Built In Theme Installer
To install a theme without messing around with FTP use the built in WordPress theme installer.
“Appearance >> Themes”
“Install Themes” Tab
Browse for the themes zip file ( and click the “Install Now” button. Wait for it to upload, depending on your server settings you might have problems with permissions, you have to set the permissions of the Upload folder to allow uploads.
If it installs, click the “Activate” link.
WordPress Built In Theme Installer
WordPress Theme Install
I had uploaded the theme through FTP. Despite deleting and uploading i always got the message ” you do not have sufficient permission to access this page”.
I then uploaded it through the wordpress interface
Worked like a charm.
Perhaps some of you would like to try this step
WordPress Permissions Error
Sounds like the folders permissions isn’t set to allow WordPress to write to the folder the WordPress theme installer is trying to temporarily move the zip file to so it can extract it. Some hosts/servers are setup to allow write access, some aren’t.
The solutions is to change the permissions of the folder it says you can’t move the zip file to. To make sure it works, temporarily change the permissions to 777, after you’ve installed Stallion change the permissions back to what it was before (leaving at 777 is a security issue).
You can use an FTP program like Filezilla (browse to the folder, right click it and click permissions, note down the numbers so you can change it back and change to 777) or possibly via your Control Panel, each Control Panel is different, so no idea how yours would work. After the themes installed change the permissions back.
Could also be you’ve uploaded a theme to the wrong folder and it’s breaking a theme options page.
If you add a theme folder within another folder:
You’ll get the permissions error because the theme options page code will be looking for the files within the correct folder.
WordPress Permissions Error
The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To WordPress Error
On a site that has 1 page of content and nothing else really, I was able to update to 6.1. Everything works and I have to say it looks beautiful.
However, on my other sites I keep getting this error.
The uploaded file could not be moved to /homepages/18/d95001024/htdocs/polishgrammar/images.
I could try ftp but would rather do it with the updater as I think you have it set up to import setting and copy header images etc.
The Uploaded File Could Not Be Moved To WordPress Error
WordPress Error Uploaded File Too Big
Each time I do an update the zip file gets bigger, Stallion 6.1 is just over 5mb, extracts to under 10mbs. It’s bigger than WordPress zipped, it’s all those banner images :-)
If your hosting limits the disk space or your PHP upload setting (forget what the setting is called) is below 6mb you are going to run into problems.
That error sounds like your hosting is running out of space between the combination of temporarily uploading the zip file (6MBs) to your site plus extracting it (10MBs), so you temprarily need around 15MBs added to whatever is currently on the site (including the old Stallion files that will be deleted after the update, so 20MB to be safe).
I’m uploading 95% of my sites using FTP, I’ve used the custom-widget.php file a lot so some of my sites have a custom file I don’t want to upload over. I would check what your host allows you to upload and use FTP, comparing the extracts file sizes of Stallion 6.0.1 to 6.1, the update is a few MBs bigger, so if using FTP be sure your host allows you 5MBs more than already used and you’ll be fine..
I’ve spent all day updating sites, I’m going through them alphabetically and at the Vs, so almost there :-) Not had any major problems.
WordPress Error Uploaded File Too Big
Install WordPress Theme Fail Fix
Silly me, I got it to work, I just had to rename the 6.0 folder ‘stallion-seo-theme-2’ or something and it all works fine.
Updating Premium WordPress Themes using the WordPress Theme Installer
Didn’t think you’d make that mistake Mark :-)
Problem is the themes folder already exists and so WordPress refuses to update that way.
Always wondered why you can’t use the WordPress theme uploader/installer to update a theme or reinstall a theme you’ve broken (easy to break a theme using the WordPress built in theme editor), you’d think they would allow us to update/reinstall that way.
Currently if you don’t/can’t use the built in theme updater which for most premium themes isn’t an option because they aren’t added to the WordPress theme repository (note: for future Stallion updates I’ve added an updater, so you’ll be able to update from 6.1 to say 6.2 from the WordPress dashboard from now on) you have to use FTP or as you’ve found rename the current themes folder (which means FTP or other filemanger access), not exactly user friendly.
Funny thing is the ability is there, when you use the WordPress theme updater for a theme in the WordPress theme repository (and Stallion 6.1+), WordPress uploads the zip file to your site (to where ever you have your uploads folder), extracts it and deletes the original themes folder replacing it with the new extracted folder. I can’t see why using the upload a theme WordPress feature couldn’t use this same concept maybe with a warning the current themes folder will be deleted so any customisations will be lost.
Basically means you have to use FTP to update for most premium themes.
Updating Premium WordPress Themes using the WordPress Theme Installer
Premium WordPress Theme Update
I have version Stallion WordPress SEO 6.1 but from what i read above there is Stallion WordPress SEO version 6.12. where do i get this ?
Stallion SEO Theme Update
Looks like Mark made a couple of typos in his comment above (typed 6.12) since the latest update is Stallion 6.1 as of September 26th 2011. I’ve edited his comment to avoid further confusion.
For future reference when you are running Stallion 6.1+ you’ll be informed within your WordPress Dashboard there’s an update available, added a theme updater in the Stallion 6.1 update.
Just started work on the next update, not sure what will be in the next update yet or a time frame, though plan to concentrate on new colour schemes. So far added two new colour schemes, loosely based on themes in the WordPress theme repository Delicate theme and Coraline theme.
Stallion SEO Theme Update
WordPress Theme Update via FTP
Hi David,
I really messed up when I tried to go from 6.01 to 6.2. At first, while I did the FTP, I created an extra folder within the seo-theme folder with the same name so I deleted the whole folder. Then I redid the upload and that is when I overwrote some files and some I didn’t overwrite because I didn’t want to lose what had been done on my site previously. So, now I get this error message:
I guess the next time, I will apply the updates as I get them instead of skipping any. Is there anyway, you can help resolve this problem or tell me how to start over?
Thanking you in advance…
WordPress Theme Update via FTP
Upgrading a WordPress Theme with Options
When you say “I didn’t want to lose what had been done on my site previously” are you referring to the options you’ve set or you’ve made custom file changes like uploading your own banner images etc…?
If it’s options you’ve set doing an update won’t overwrite your current Stallion settings, they are safely held in the WordPress database which uploading files doesn’t change. You can safely delete the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder, activate another theme, come back weeks later reinstall Stallion either via FTP or the the WordPress built in theme installer and your old Stallion settings will still be set as you left them.
If you’ve made file changes like uploading your own banner images to the custom folders easiest way to update is use FTP and upload the extracted (extracted from the Stallion 6.2 zip file) /stallion-seo-folder/ over the /wp-content/themes/stallion-seo-theme/ folder. If the customizations are only banner images (not editied template files like the custom-widgets.php file) uploading the new /stallion-seo-theme/ folder via FTP won’t overwrite your banner images held in the custom folders).
When upgrading via FTP be patient and wait for all files to upload before accessing anything under the WordPress Dashboard. If you access the Dashboard early you might get errors as files are overwrote by your FTP program.
If you’ve got no customization and running Stallion 6.1 use the built in theme updater under Appearance >> Themes or Dashboard >> Updates. This option isn’t available in Stallion 6.0 or 6.0.1, use FTP.
Anyway, not 100% sure what you’ve done, sounds like you’ve deleted files and not uploaded new ones.
I would activate TwentyEleven under Appearance >> Themes
Using FTP if your FTP program has this option drag the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder from
This will remove the Stallion files, but not delete them. This way if you have custom files you can add them back in later if you don’t have offline copies.
If you can’t do the above download the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder to your computer so you have a backup copy, when you have a backup copy delete the /stallion-seo-folder/ using your FTP program.
Upload the new /stallion-seo-theme/ (extracted from the 6.2 zip file) to
Reactivate Stallion under Appearance >> Themes
By moving/deleting the Stallion folder and uploading the new one you can be 100% certain you have all the files required and haven’t double upload Stallion, if you put two Stallion theme folder like
You might activate the second one and everything could go wrong. Might even be what you’ve done.
If you have no custom files you should be back up and running normally. If you have customizations they will be missing. If it’s banner images that you have on your PC upload them to the custom folder you have them in before. If another customization repeat whatever you did to the Stallion 6.0.1 files. Difficult to give more advice on customizations without knowing what they are if any.
Edit: Checked your site and the login doesn’t work.
Use FTP and move the Stallion folder as I suggested above without activating TwentyEleven first. If you can’t move folders using FTP make the backup and delete it. When the Stallion folder is gone from the themes folder WordPress with activate the default theme, TwentyEleven giving you access to the Dashboard.
Upgrading a WordPress Theme with Options
WordPress Blog Online
Thank you David, my WordPress site is back up.
Fatal error: ThemeUpdateChecker::injectUpdate
I’m getting the follow error – can’t remember which version of Stallion is on the site .
Fatal error: ThemeUpdateChecker::injectUpdate
WordPress Automatic Updates Plugin
The Stallion theme automated update code is from the plugin at
Had no other reports of this issue, had a look for this issue in Google and not found anything like it.
The site with the issue is working fine now, with fatal errors they usually take a site out completely.
Was this a temporary fatal error you no longer see? If so might have been a temporary server issue, nothing broken just a bad connection or something.
You are currently running Stallion 6.1, there’s an update (6.2) you should see under “Dashboard >> Updates” and “Appearance >> Themes”, are you seeing these update notifications? If so have you tried updating?
If you can’t use the automated theme update you can still download the Stallion 6.2 zip file and install using FTP.
BTW when I checked your site I see you are using the Stallion built in Google analytics and Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast v4.2. Not tried the Yoast Google Analytics plugin, if it doesn’t add anything extra I’d stick with the Stallion Google Analytics code, if it’s got extra features (Yoast does some interesting plugins: shame about his WordPress SEO plugin using nofollow :-() use the standalone plugin Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast only (no point loading analytics code twice).
WordPress Automatic Updates Plugin
Hostgator VPS
Hi David,
Thanks for the reply. The error only occurs on the admin side.
I think it is a server issue, as it is an intermittent fault. It’s an under-powered Level 3 Hostgator VPS (<1gb memory so httpd crashes regularly). But I can't get into any of the Stallion options without that error at the moment.
I think the themeupdatechecker is being inserted everywhere on the admin side. I got that error on my dashboard in the following areas: WordPress blog, Other wordpress news, Incoming links, plugins. I also get it when I try to clear spam. So I think the theme update checker is not very efficient.
Thanks for the heads up on the duplicate analytics. I like YOASTs plugin for its options. Especially I can disable analytics by role (e.g. Administrator).
Hostgator VPS
WordPress Premium Theme Automatic Update Error
I wonder if it’s related to accessing an external server, to check if there’s an update it checks a file on this site to see what the current version is etc… If security settings are set high might cause an issue.
A quick fix would be to remove the check completely and update manually. Easy to do.
Edit the file function.php within the /stallion-seo-theme/ folder and delete the last line of code:
After removing the above you won’t know if there’s an update available so keep an eye on the mailing list. Also when you update if the same issue reoccurs (probably will as same code used) remove that line again from the updated file.
Might be worth updating to Stallion 6.2 first to see if there’s corrupt files in the current install.
I’ll have to have a look at the Yoast Google Analytics plugin see if there’s any features worth adding to Stallion’s Google Analytics code.
I’ve a couple of almost identical virtual private servers and have one a little overloaded, keeps crashing during peaks of traffic. As a WordPress theme developer it’s a good situation to be in because if I screwup on a code feature and upload it to 30+ WordPress sites on the server it will cause more crashes. That being said plan to get another server to spread sites out more.
I know how much webmasters like to squeeze as much out of their hosting/servers, so I’ve made as much of Stallion as possible in a modular way. The concept is if you don’t use a feature WordPress shouldn’t even load the code required to run the feature.
For example all the ad networks (AdSense, Chitka etc…) if they are disabled on the main Stallion options page none of the ad code is ever loaded (just the Stallion options page for that ad network). AdSense for example has several template files to generate the code, when disabled none of it is loaded (note how the AdSense widgets aren’t available when AdSense is turned off, same for Chitka widgets and Clickbank widgets). Many of the other widgets can be disabled via the options pages, when disabled the code for those widgets isn’t loaded. When setting options the idea is if you don’t use something (like the 125px by 125px banner ads) disable it so the code isn’t loaded wasting server resources.
I’ve even added database queries and memory usage within the footer area for admins to see so they have an idea how their setup is impacting the server. If you add a new plugin and you find it adds a couple of hundred database queries it’s a poorly optimized plugin and ideally wouldn’t be used.
WordPress Premium Theme Automatic Update Error