The Stallion Responsive Theme includes two built in header areas, these can be turned on/off independently of each other meaning you can have a WordPress blog with. Header area 1 (Stallion 2011 Header Area) Header area 2 (Alternative Stallion Header Area) 2 header entire areas (looks rubbish) Combination of the two (half of one, half of the other). No header areas This gives the Stallion Responsive theme users full control over how their WordPress blogs header area behaves and it’s all controlled by a few clicks of the mouse. Stallion Theme Header Areas Under “Stallion Theme” >> “Layout Options” : “Stallion Header Areas” you will find the following options that turn the header areas on/off: Each of the two WordPress […]
Continue Reading WP Header Images
WordPress Site Title and Tagline
Hi David.
The header image I use has the Site Title and Tagline embedded in the actual image. Is it OK for me to simply leave these fields in the Dashboard General settings blank or are these fields used in any other area, e.g. SEO, throughout the theme?
I’ve left them blank in the dashboard for now.
WordPress Site Title Tag SEO Value
The WordPress tagline you can leave blank, but the WP site title tag is extremely important and should include relevant keywords for SEO reasons.
To use just a header image as you want there’s a setting to hide the site title link from the header area under Stallion Theme >> Layout Options.
On that page you can also relocate the sites tagline to the footer if you still want a tagline, but not on the header.
BTW notice you are using what appears to be an AdSense plugin. Since Stallion has AdSense built in you’ll need to either disable the AdSense plugin or turn off one or more Stallion controlled AdSense ads as right now you are breaking the AdSense TOS by having more than three AdSense content ad units. If you run with default Stallion AdSense setup all three AdSense content ad units are used.
WordPress Site Title Tag SEO Value
Adding My Own WordPress Logo
What’s the easiest way to install my own picture/logo for the Stallion 06 theme (instead of the flower)?
And, for some reason my videos are not showing up on the pages just the title which is a link. Does the Stallion theme treat videos differntly than the Talian theme?
WP Custom Headers and Banners
See the main article above for custom headers and banner information.
See the Post Teaser WordPress SEO Plugin from WordPress SEO Plugins for adding a richer content to the archive pages like the home page.
WordPress Search Form
Thanks for the reply… I’ve made my logo and installed, however I’d like to put the search button in another location (top right sidebar) and I’ve added a picture on the leftside of my logo which is showing the information I have on the rightside of the logo. How can I eliminate the verbiage in the picture?
WordPress Layout Options
See the Layout Options Tutorial page.
WP Blog Title H1 Header Link
Dave, one quick follow-up to this question of a couple months back on using a header image in place of the text blog title.
I implemented my custom image as you explained, situated it, and everything looked good. But when I ran a search spider simulator on it, I didn’t see any H1 (I’ve since removed the image and just have a text title up again for now).
Could there be some sort of description or title I neglected to enter somewhere in the Stallion or WP control panel, or is this perhaps handled by adding in some code somewhere? I know the H1 tag is very important so wanted to make sure I fixed this.
Many thanks and all best,
WP Blog Title H1 Header Link
WordPress Theme Search Engine Optimized H1 Headers
The Stallion theme has optimized H1 headers for all page types.
For blog Posts, static Pages, Categories, Tags and Search Results the H1 is located just below the rotating banner images.
For the home page and dated archives it’s the title of the site located within the header. On the other page types the title of the site has no header (just a link).
This is pretty much the perfect automated H1 header setup as long as when you name parts of a site SEO is taken into account (call your site “My New Site” it’s not going to rank for much), the home page uses the name of the site, categories, tags search results are a H1 header and for pages and posts the title of the post is the H1 header.
If you remove the code for the title of the site (replace with an image link) you’ll loose the H1 header for the home page and dated archives. Since the dated archives have about as much SEO value as a dead fish, you don’t loose much there :-) but you would loose your built in H1 home page header.
Ideally you’d remedy this by adding it back in somewhere else.
If you use a static front page the home page will be like a Static Page and will have a H1 header below the banner images, (see the home page of the Stallion site for an example) so no need to add an H1 header anywhere else.
If you use the default home page with the standard post archives there will be no H1 header (as you found). You could add it back in with some conditional home page code.
This code is copied from the header.php template file
You could put this in your index.php template file just above
You might need to add some relevant css to make it look right (not tested).
Adding the option to remove the site title was a last minute idea, so didn’t cross my mind to re-add the H1 header, will see if I can automate this in a future update.
Update: Stallion 7+ has a replacement H1 header built in as a widget.
WordPress Theme Search Engine Optimized H1 Headers
WordPress H1 SEO Header
Hi David, thanks for this idea, I tried what you suggested. I found that it does in fact re-introduce the H1 as you said it would.
The problem is that it also displays a text link with my blog title right above the first post entry. So it doesn’t seem to do what I was hoping (ie, just the H1 attached to the header image on those select pages you mentioned above-main index, etc).
I know you have a lot on your plate, and that you said you may address this in an upcoming update. So I can certainly hold out for that update if that’s the case.
Thanks again, and I do think that header image option with the H1 value would be a great in-menu addition for a future version of Stallion. I’d love to have the added visual punch of a nice design element like a clickable custom logo header on my site, but I definitely don’t want to lose the SEO value of the H1 on the main index and other pages.
Appreciate all your hard work.
WordPress H1 SEO Header
Hidden H1 Headers Associated with Logos via CSS
The H1 code above was just to replicate the lost H1 header for SEO reasons on the home page which is the code above.
You could also use
This would use the name of the site in a H1 but not clickable, but still visible.
To use a clickable logo associated with a hidden H1 header would require a CSS technique that hides the link behind the image while keeping it clickable and in some cases could be seen as SEO blackhat.
If you have a really nice logo that says something like Amish America there’s no problem using a hidden H1 header link that would include the phrase Amish America because to the visitor there’s no real difference between a big H1 text and a big logo with the same message.
In comparison using the same technique but instead of a logo that says Amish America is shows says farmland it’s a bit SEO blackhat to use Amish America as the hidden H1 because the logo doesn’t match the H1 headers content.
It’s one of those SEO grey areas where you have to look at it from the perspective of a competitor reporting you to Google for hidden content (the text/link is hidden) and you being able to explain it to Google in a way they’ll see it as you aren’t adding elements not related to the logo: note: you wouldn’t actually get to explain it to Google (they wouldn’t ask why have you done this before considering adding a penalty), so if they look at your site it needs to be obvious it’s not trying to game Google. The first example above you’d be fine, the second example would be iffy.
Hesitant to use something like this with Stallion because people make mistakes. I’ll add I’ve never used this technique on my own sites because of the potential SEO risks, I’ve always used a visible H1 header.
Hidden H1 Headers Associated with Logos via CSS
WordPress Hidden H1 Blog Title Header
David, thanks for the answer on this. I will ruminate on it. Would love to be able to use my logo along with an H1 but am always wary of getting on the wrong side of the law :)
I’m definitely not trying anything dodgy, just want my H1 to match my blog title/logo. I can understand your not wanting to expose Stallion users to something that’s potentially risky.
But I guess it sounds like you are saying that as long as I keep my H1 the same as my site title, I should be okay. I’ve also heard of using a technique I believe where you indent the H1 like -9999 or something, but wasn’t sure if that wasn’t grey or black area. Sort of seemed like it would be, but again I am a novice here.
WordPress Hidden H1 Blog Title Header
Hiding Text Behind an Image using Visibility Hidden CSS Code
SEO wise it’s in the greyhat area, all depends on your intentions and implementation.
The SEO test should always be if a Google reviewer looked at your site would they have a problem understanding what you are doing AND will that person consider it acceptable.
For example if you took a screenshot of your home page header area as it is now and cut out the text Amish America and made a Stallion Header image from it, turned off the title via the Stallion options (so “Amish America” text at the top would be gone) it would for all intense and purposes look exactly the same as it does now, but you’ve lost the H1 header on the home page.
Would you see a reasonable person having a problem with instead of turning off the header title (Amish America) instead you kept the text in a H1 header and hid it?
The justification for this is you want the text Amish America, but you want it in image format so you can make it pretty :-) and the image that will contain the pretty text is served as a background image via CSS : a background image is basically invisible to search engines, you can’t add relevance to the image by adding alt text as you would an image you’d add to a post.
SEO wise I think that’s acceptable as long as the rest of the site is SEO whitehat. If you run a site where you tip toe that fine line between whitehat SEO and blackhat SEO there’s a point where though each little SEO technique used separately shouldn’t cause a Google penalty, do enough and a Google manual review might decide as a whole it deserves a penalty (I don’t think you run your site that way, so not an issue IMO).
The Stallion theme is a reasonable step away from the blackhat SEO line, there’s the comment author links that look like text links, but aren’t (SEO wise same impact as having nofollow links without damaging the site by deleting link benefit) and I have sites that’s run that code for years with no problems (some of the sites have had manual Google reviews: one was even temporarily penalized when I added some thin affiliate content, the site recovered soon after removing the thin affiliate content).
If you want to make the change I’d advise the following, make sure the text Amish America is of reasonable font in the image, to be safe it really should include that text, you’d be pushing it if the image showed a stereotypical Amish family on a horse and cart near farm land.
Remove the home page link code from the header.php and header2.php files.
edit the css file for the colour scheme you are using (ie style-simple.css)
These code changes will remove the link part of the blog title text link leaving only a H1 header with the blog name as the text. This H1 header will only show on the home page (and it’s archives) and the monthly archives (if you use them). On the rest of the site there will be nothing loaded in that area. The CSS change hide the whole H1 header.
This would be the safest way to achieve what you want, if you don’t use the monthly archive widget the H1 header with text Amish America (no longer a clickable link) would be hidden only on the home page and it’s paged archives.
You could only make the CSS code change, but it would mean the H1 header is still a clickable link and on the other pages you’d have a hidden link back to home, so not ideal.
Hiding Text Behind an Image using Visibility Hidden CSS Code
Colors on Stallion Theme
I should a bought Tallian shouldn’t I have?
It has much more color doesnt it?? I tried to buy it but it was paypal and it wouldnt accept my card whereas clickbank did accept it. (and yes there is money on my card :)
Tell me white isnt my only background option, Big Guy! Otherwise we might be trading down to the Big T
WordPress Theme Colour Schemes
There’s currently 9 Stallion colour schemes and at least one more with the next update (Stallion 6.1, still working on it).
Every colour scheme in Talian is also in Stallion (Stallion has more and will have more in the future).
Centering WordPress Banner Image?
I’ve turned-off the banners and added a clickable pic to the banner area. Even though the code you’ve written is supposed to center the 560×200.jpg it still is all the way to the left (not centered). I’ve experimented changing the code and I can’t get the banner to center. Is there something else I should do?
One other question: is there a rotation program I can add to make more than 1 image rotate like it does when the banners are “on”?
Centering WordPress Banner Image?
WP Theme Custom Banners
The HTML code you’ve used is broken (around the alt=), start with fixing the link/image code you’ve added to the widget also use the class=”adscenter” will give a little padding above and below. Probably better not to give the text widget a heading as well.
In Stallion 6.1 I’ve added something that could be used for rotating banners, though it’s designed for 125px by 125px wide or square ads (must be square) currently, so wouldn’t work in that location.
Would probably make sense to add another field to set the width and height separately then it could be used for non square banners.
I’ll be uploading a test version later, look out for a sidebar widget with 125px wide ads, will have ads to Stallion, WPRobot3, Advertise Here and some other affiliate stuff probably. Can be used for a single banner that rotates randomly or multiple ads that rotate.
WP Theme Custom Banners
WordPress Background Image Support
Added background image support, you can upload your own background image.
Where will the image go?On the outside of the theme?
That is what most themes have.
WordPress Background Images
Stallion 6.1 is using the WordPress core background image code so like other themes have.
The image is loaded as a background for the entire page, so depending on the image used and settings (there’s an options page for uploading a background images etc…) determines how the image is tiled/centered etc…
For monitors above 1000px wide you’ll see a background image on the left and right margin, also a small margin top and bottom (the top/bottom margin is new) for all monitor settings.
WordPress Background Images