Comment on WordPress Header Images by SEO Dave.

WordPress Custom Header Options The Stallion theme has optimized H1 headers for all page types.

For blog Posts, static Pages, Categories, Tags and Search Results the H1 is located just below the rotating banner images.

For the home page and dated archives it’s the title of the site located within the header. On the other page types the title of the site has no header (just a link).

This is pretty much the perfect automated H1 header setup as long as when you name parts of a site SEO is taken into account (call your site “My New Site” it’s not going to rank for much), the home page uses the name of the site, categories, tags search results are a H1 header and for pages and posts the title of the post is the H1 header.

If you remove the code for the title of the site (replace with an image link) you’ll loose the H1 header for the home page and dated archives. Since the dated archives have about as much SEO value as a dead fish, you don’t loose much there :-) but you would loose your built in H1 home page header.

Ideally you’d remedy this by adding it back in somewhere else.

If you use a static front page the home page will be like a Static Page and will have a H1 header below the banner images, (see the home page of the Stallion site for an example) so no need to add an H1 header anywhere else.

If you use the default home page with the standard post archives there will be no H1 header (as you found). You could add it back in with some conditional home page code.

<?php if (is_page("archives") || is_year() || is_month() || is_day() || is_home() || is_404() || is_author()) { ?><h1><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1><?php } ?>

This code is copied from the header.php template file

You could put this in your index.php template file just above

<div id="post-entry">

You might need to add some relevant css to make it look right (not tested).

Adding the option to remove the site title was a last minute idea, so didn’t cross my mind to re-add the H1 header, will see if I can automate this in a future update.


Update: Stallion 7+ has a replacement H1 header built in as a widget.