WordPress Hacks and Tricks How to Remove WordPress Admin Bar I never use the WP Admin Bar and have this code as part of my WordPress themes. If your theme doesn’t already have the option to disable the WordPress Admin Bar add this code to your functions.php file. <?php add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false'); ?> How to Add Custom Content to WordPress Login Page Want to display a customized message as you login to WordPress, add the following code to your functions.php file. <?php function str_custom_login( $message ) { if ( empty($message) ){ return '<p class="message">Totally Rad Message Here…</p>'; } else { return $message; } } add_filter( 'login_message', 'str_custom_login' ); ?> Cleaning up the wp_head() Output In my Stallion SEO WordPress and Stallion […]
Continue Reading WordPress Hacks and Tricks
How to Add Code to Theme Footer.php File?
When adding footer images they float when viewing in firefox ???
I have a table built that has images and links that go to several charities I like to support but when I ad the code above or below the tag in footer.php it looks and works great when viewing in IE it does not really matter which version it just plain works. But when viewing in Firefox any version it floats to the side of the sidebar and makes the page very wide needing to scroll sideways to see the footer ???
Any help in this will be helpful as I am a old geezer and do not have much experience with php…
Thanks TC
How to Add Code to Theme Footer.php File?
Adding Code to the WordPress Theme Footer.php File
Within the file you’ll see some end div’s that look like this
Put your code above the last one and see how it looks, if that doesn’t look right move up one… Putting above the first end div should put the code directly below the footer links.
Broken WordPress Theme Layout
Hi Ive been using talian for around 12 months now and everything ok , 3 days ago site is now displaying unusual properties , ie nothing aligning where it should be , has there been any other reported sites having issues
WP Super Cache Plugin Broken
Had a look at your sites code and at the bottom it says
Start by fixing the plugin issue, if that doesn’t fix look through
for errors and fix them.
Currently it looks like the WP Super Cache Plugin issue has cut your footer off.
WP Super Cache Plugin Broken
Removing WordPress Search Widget
It’s the default WordPress search widget you’ve added to the left sidebar, it’s not compatible with Talian 5.
Appearance >> Widgets : remove the Search widget.
After I finish updating the Stallion SEO Theme I’ll be updating Talian 5 and will use Stallion 7 as the base which includes compatible search widgets and loads of features not built into Talian 5.
Removing WordPress Search Widget
How to Change a WordPress Theme Search Form to a Google AdSense Search?
I want to change the search box on header to be google search (by adsense).
How can I do that?. Because there is no edit tab.
How to Add a Google Custom Search Form to a WordPress Theme
Adding a Google Custom Search form to Talian would require editing the code.
The file to edit is header.php and the code to change
I’d start with getting a Google Custom Search Form code from your AdSense account and paste it over the form code keeping the top and bottom div parts.
Not tested this, but should work.
Repeat in the file header2.php if you use the SEO Super Comments plugin bundled with Talian 5.
This is built into Stallion 7 with options to set your AdSense ID etc…
How to Add a Google Custom Search Form to a WordPress Theme
WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin DNS Settings?
Posted this problem on the WordPress MU Domain Mapping Forum, waiting on a response so repeating here and will update this post with the solution (assuming I find one).
Trying to setup a test WordPress Mapped installation on a couple of domains I’m not currently using (talian-theme.co.uk – IP and stallion-theme.co.uk – IP using WordPress multisite with the WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin.
Have WordPress multisite with sub-domains working on talian-theme.co.uk.
Have installed the WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin and think the only step remaining is changing DNS settings correctly.
Running a Godaddy virtual server with three IPs that are shared for my other domains, I use Virtualmain as the control panel and for the .co.uk domains for the test are registered with Fasthosts and Fasthosts don’t appear to have domain parking (other than showing their ads). If I can’t get this working will try with .com’s that are registered with Godaddy, but do need to work this out for .co.uk domains as well as plan to move most of my WordPress sites (about 90 and a fair number are .co.uk) to a handful of mapped setups (it’s a MASSIVE pain updating ~90 WordPress installs!!!).
Have the main WordPress multisite setup on talian-theme.co.uk have working subdomains (so WordPress multisite is working)
Two test sub-domains without mapping them to a domain.
test.talian-theme.co.uk Hello post install
virtual-light.talian-theme.co.uk Imported posts from another site
At the time of this test both worked.
Primary domain set to: stallion-theme.co.uk associated sub-domain stallionthemecouk.talian-theme.co.uk (hello post install) loaded what you’d expect (stallion-theme.co.uk loaded “Apache 2 Test Page” and stallionthemecouk.talian-theme.co.uk loaded the hello install) before changing DNS settings on the two domains.
Reasonably confident everything up to this point is working as expected.
After associating stallionthemecouk.talian-theme.co.uk and stallion-theme.co.uk they both loaded stallion-theme.co.uk (“Apache 2 Test Page” loads so the redirection is working but mapping isn’t).
This is where I start to run into issues.
As I’ve been trying various DNS settings there might be some caching issues, I keep getting other domains on the server loading (virtual-light.com, almohare.com or redrosewriting.com** – basically the default domains for the three IPs used on the server), when it isn’t getting the wrong cache the “Apache 2 Test Page” loads.
** The current DNS settings below appear to be loading redrosewriting.com which is the default domain for the IP (IP also used for talian-theme.co.uk) so definetly got something wrong.
Have wildcard sub-domains set and working on talian-theme.co.uk
Added a CNAME (suspect I got this wrong) and this is the DNS settings from Virtualmin.
All settings except the last two are defaults, the CNAME at the bottom is my attempt to associate the subdomain with stallion-theme.co.uk.
The above are all defaults.
I’m not sure what to do with the DNS settings for stallion-theme.co.uk
Currently under Fasthosts control panel I’ve got the nameservers set to
This is all I have to set to use a new domain normally.
talian-theme.co.uk has the following nameservers
I can add new A and CNAME entries under Fasthosts control panel, but not sure what to add?
Will update with solutions.
WordPress MU Domain Mapping Plugin DNS Settings?
WordPress Custom CSS Style Sheets
I’d like to do some styling: where do I import my own custom css style sheet?
How to Unsubscribe from Comments?
Please unsubscribe me from this thread. I tried doing it myself but got this page instead.
And fix your emails so people can truly unsubscribe thru the link that you say that can happen.
WordPress Comments Manage Subscriptions
I’d forgot to add .html to the comment-subscriptions.html subscription page link, added now so others (and you) can manage your subscriptions. Since I set Larry’s subscription to suspended before writing this comment I suppose he won’t get this notification :-)