You’ll hear a lot on forums about making money online from Blogger/Blogspot blogs and Squidoo lens/blog pages mainly because they are completely free, (lot of cheap people trying to make money online :)) I rarely use Blogspot as a content management system (CMS) since I prefer to use hosted WordPress blogs which means I buy a domain and host it on a server (got 3 virtual dedicated servers currently) AND as importantly there are only so many hours in the day and given the choice of working on a domain I own and a Blogger blog it’s an easy choice. Registering domains and hosting them costs money, not a lot really per domain: for me in 2014 it’s around $3,000 […]
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How I Make Money Online
Creating How to Make Money Online Blogging websites have really inspired me to try new things, I think it’s having a goal is making me work smarter.
Halfway through July and revenue is looking up.
AdSense is already at $770, been getting the odd $60 day and my average is back over $50 again (finally). Should make $300 more in July than June.
Amazon, not even going to bother checking, slowly removing some Amazon ad blocks from my sites.
Clickbank is at $334 already, I changed a product I was recommending and WOW. Also started promoting a few other products, but most of the increase is due to changing which product I’m recommending in a particular niche. Looks like $600-$700 for July.
Private Ads at $845 so far. Difficult to say what it will be at the end of the month (could stay as is or double, I have no idea). Good news about this revenue is it should carry forward to next month with another nice increase. I could see this going as high as $5,000 a month by Christmas which would be great.
Been trying out a few other revenue sources Commission Junction CJ (rubbish so far), Kontera (had problems setting it up), Chitka mini malls (so far not impressed, 6 cents from 7 clicks is CRAP!).
Also started working with FaceBook, plan is to build contacts with like minded people and build a mailing list to sell to (never bothered with mailing lists, big mistake on my part).
How do you make your money online?
David Law
How I Make Money Online
Making Money with AdSense
Hi David,
Very interesting what you are doing. I would like to get back into Adsense as it seems to represent the most stable earnings, what with a heavy reliance on good ‘ol SE traffic.
I’m curious to know, which of your templates do you use mostly for your sites? And do you write your own content or outsource it?
AdSense vs Clickbank Revenue
Hi Chris,
I also find AdSense the most stable income source, (I make money every day) but traffic wise Clickbank makes a LOT more money per visitor, but you do get days when you make little and even nothing the odd day.
Also it’s really easy to gain traffic from search engines as long as you don’t mind too much what SERPs you target, at one point I was getting around 6-8,000 visitors a day to a Poetry section of a site, (so all the traffic was poetry relevant, people looking for poems etc…) but the conversion was RUBBISH from AdSense (must have been a few cents a click and CTR was LOW). Conversely gaining specific traffic, say mortgage loans type traffic is quite hard, so when you choose a particular Clickbank (or any) product to promote your unlikely to pull in 5,000 visitors a day: most of my Clickbank pages are seeing 10s to hundreds of visitors a day each.
If you’ve read all my revenue reports you’ll see I recently lost a big chunk of traffic (my recipe site) which has cost me around $30 a day from AdSense. So $30 a day from about 8,000 unique visitors a day!
In comparison I’ve added a a few hundred extra visitors a day recently to Clickbank pages (so single pages, not whole sites) and those are making more than the lost $30 a day from 8,000 visitors!
My 12 year old son made over $100 from Clickbank in about a 10 day period last month from a few hundred visitors on a site I gave him to use as a blog. In the same period the site would have made a few dollars from AdSense as well.
When you look at it that way AdSense is terrible, however it’s really hard to find good Clickbank products, so though there’s the potential to make a lot of money, in practice it’s quite hard to find the right products to promote.
With regards content, the content that makes about 80% of my money is written by me, I’d love to outsource, but find it hard to find good content writers. As I’m a SEO consultant I’m going to rewrite it anyway, so might as well do it all myself.
The template I use with best results AdSense wise is the one I use on this site I consistently get high CTR on the majority of sites I use it on.
David Law
AdSense vs Clickbank Revenue
SEO Training
WOW looks like your son is also as good as you…..You are really doing a good job by teaching your son something that you know…You think that your son is really interested in SEO? If so then you are lucky…as there is a guy to take your business ;)
Internet Marketing
As I browsed through a tones of sites, I feel I should even internet market my site. I’m basically a computer graphics person, but I sometimes feel that it will be time consuming, but what’s also the harm in doing it.
Squidoo Make Money
Really timeless information. An excellent study material for newbies and pro’s alike. Interesting what you can do with squidoo.
Squidoo Lenses
Don’t use I wrote several lenses and followed all the rules. Then after a few months, I noticed that they nofollowed my links AND gave them to my competitors!
So after spending the time writing an article, my competitor gets the benefit, not me.
Make Money with Squidoo
Great information on Sqidoo and I have not used it myself. I will use this information that you have posted and get to work on it!
All the best,
Stuart Nunn.
Squidoo Google SEO?
hi, does dominate google SEO with squidoo is easy??