Comment on Make Money Online Free by Blogging by SEO Dave.
Creating How to Make Money Online Blogging websites have really inspired me to try new things, I think it’s having a goal is making me work smarter.
Halfway through July and revenue is looking up.
AdSense is already at $770, been getting the odd $60 day and my average is back over $50 again (finally). Should make $300 more in July than June.
Amazon, not even going to bother checking, slowly removing some Amazon ad blocks from my sites.
Clickbank is at $334 already, I changed a product I was recommending and WOW. Also started promoting a few other products, but most of the increase is due to changing which product I’m recommending in a particular niche. Looks like $600-$700 for July.
Private Ads at $845 so far. Difficult to say what it will be at the end of the month (could stay as is or double, I have no idea). Good news about this revenue is it should carry forward to next month with another nice increase. I could see this going as high as $5,000 a month by Christmas which would be great.
Been trying out a few other revenue sources Commission Junction CJ (rubbish so far), Kontera (had problems setting it up), Chitka mini malls (so far not impressed, 6 cents from 7 clicks is CRAP!).
Also started working with FaceBook, plan is to build contacts with like minded people and build a mailing list to sell to (never bothered with mailing lists, big mistake on my part).
How do you make your money online?
David Law
More Comments by SEO Dave
Make Money with Blogger
AdSense vs Clickbank Revenue
Hi Chris,
I also find AdSense the most stable income source, (I make money every day) but traffic wise Clickbank makes a LOT more money per visitor, but you do get days when you make little and even nothing the odd …
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