Beautiful Sunrise WordPress SEO Theme version 3 was last tested on WordPress 3.1 and no issues found. Update June 2014, the free Beautiful Sunrise AdSense WordPress theme hasn’t been updated for around 6 years, have no plans to update it in the near future. If you are looking for a free AdSense WordPress theme use the Talian 5 AdSense theme, looking for a WP theme with AdSense, Chitika, Kontera, Infolinks and custom ads built in, plus awesome SEO features see the Stallion Responsive Premium theme (not free). Consider Beautiful Sunrise as an archived WP AdSense theme, will probably have issues with latest version of WordPress. AdSense Ready WordPress Theme Beautiful Sunrise The Beautiful Sunrise design is a WordPress theme my […]
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Beautiful Sunshine WP Theme Cannot Modify Header Information Error
I “like” this Beautiful Sunshine theme.. I always get the following message when in Admin:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /USER//***//****/www/blog/wp-content/themes/beautiful-sunrise-10/functions.php:72) in /USER/*****/*****/www/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 275
And not only me, after I googled, there are dozens of people who has the same message, when in WordPress admin. It’s very great: I spent hours for modyfing this template, and now I have to uninstall this!
Beautiful Sunshine WP Theme Cannot Modify Header Information Error
WordPress Beautiful Sunrise Error Fix
Hi Peter,
When I was editing the original Beautiful Sunrise theme (the one you have) I found the same error, so removed the code that caused it in my SEO/AdSense version.
So my SEO version doesn’t cause that problem.
Basically it’s trying to show a custom header when you load the admin interface, no idea why so saw no reason to leave it in.
Couldn’t tell you what to remove (didn’t take notes), but from memory wasn’t hard to do.
WordPress Beautiful Sunrise Error Fix
Beautiful Sunrise WordPress Theme Bug Fix
I’m too nice, could insist you buy my theme which is much better :-)
Took a look at the original code and think I did this.
Load functions.php in a text editor.
Two lines above it you’ll find <?php
Delete <?php and everything below it, save and upload, should work (not tested).
Rest of functions.php is for widget compatibility, so if you don’t use widgets you could try deleting the file from the server or uploading an empty file.
Beautiful Sunrise WordPress Theme Bug Fix
RSS Feed Validated Through Feedburner Problem
Hi, I loaded the original “Beautiful Sunrise”. I like the theme, but I can’t get my rss feed validated through feedburner, it tells me that there’s an empty line before the page begins, which is causing the problem.
I switched to a different theme and had no problem getting the feed verified. Does your version correct this problem? Are there other benefits to your version? I’ll buy a copy so long as it’s going to solve this problem.
Also, assuming the rss feed is fixed in your version, I assume the theme will work just as I presently have it if I don’t have adsense ads. Correct?
RSS Feed Validated Through Feedburner Problem
How to Setup AdSense Theme
I bought the 03 version and unzipped it. There are 2 adsense.php files. Do I need both?
Google AdSense Ad Sizes
There are two adsense.php files as one is an alternative formatted ads size (optional to use).
If you replace the adsense.php file in the main theme directory /beautiful-sunrise-adsense-seo-03/adsense.php with the one under the /alt-files/adsense.php folder (remembering to add your info to that file) when uploaded to the main themes directory will result in much smaller ad sizes.
If your happy with the large ad sizes (recommended for max revenue) then add your adsense publisher code to the first adsense.php file and forget about the other one. Just there to make life a little easier for trying a different way to format the ads.
Google AdSense Ad Sizes
WP Themes Easy to Use
Well I am a dope when it comes to the wordpress theme issue. I have fiono and I hate it, nothing works for me. the free themes don’t have as much and I am able to muddle through and get everything working.
I was feeling pretty good about downloading this sunset theme – I figured it was old and all the bugs were gone, but then I have heard about problems and I did not understand the question let alone the answer.
So update me please – does this work when I activate it? I’ll leave the ad sizes alone.
I was just going to upload this theme right over the current one and keep my fingers crossed. I would be more than happy to buy the theme to get some tech support. I deal in Dollars so not sure of the rate of exchange but I believe the dollar is pathetic against the euro and pound.
I have learned a lot reading through all this stuff. BTW I searched for wp themes easy to use and you came up #10 for those keywords.
WP Themes Easy to Use
Beautiful Sunrise Free Premium Theme
Beautiful Sunrise with SEO and AdSense works fine in WordPress 3.01. I don’t run it on any live sites, but have it available on my business PC for testing (when WordPress updates I give all the themes a quick test).
I was selling this theme a couple of months ago, so it’s a a good theme, but I’ve moved on with my main theme (Talian 5 which I sell: update 2014, it’s now free) which is much, much better (I use it on all my WordPress sites) and I don’t have the time to upgrade a dozen themes to the same level as Talian 05. I might update a few later, but Beautiful Sunrise won’t be one of them, it was never a popular theme (wife liked it).
I plan to give more of the themes I’m currently selling for free over the next year or so. Recently included Naruto Strikes Back WordPress Theme for free as well.
To get Beautiful Sunrise working with your AdSense account load the adsense.php file in a text editor and paste your publisher ID over mine (full instructions with the theme).
In comparison the Talian 05 theme has all the settings online: there’s a built in admin screen with dozens of options from your AdSense ID (the only required input from a user) to what colour version and which banners you want Talian to use.
BTW if you did install a theme that broke your site, all you do is either activate your original theme or if for some reason nothing was accessible (that’s rare) delete the problem themes folder (via FTP) in the themes directory which will force your WordPress installation to revert back to the default Twenty10 theme. Then you can activate another theme.
Beautiful Sunrise Free Premium Theme
WordPress Themes for Dummies
See Talian scares me, too many options. I am a dope. But let me ask this, (BTW) thanks for giving poor people the theme and info to publish sites and make some money from adsense, very kind and thoughtful of you) if your theme is optimized for SEO then does it have the area so I can do keyword, title and page description for each page or article?
and the dang ads – are the ads easy to put in? like if I want revenue ads and ebay for some sites instead of adsense and clickbank? I like those bundles of 125 by 125 ads than run down the side or middle of some sites?
will google allow me to put in bunches of those little ads? the IM industry has a lot of those little ads that blink and shout.
thanks again,
WordPress Themes for Dummies
WP Theme Beautiful Sunrise Images
Hi, I recently downloaded the beautiful sunrise theme, and have since had some trouble getting my images to display…
Is there any way I can fix this?
WordPress Post Excerpts vs Full Content
I guess you don’t like the WordPress post excerpts on archive pages.
Try the Post Teaser plugin on the SEO Plugins download page.
WordPress Plugins not Working with Theme
Hi David,
I’ve installed the WordPress 3 Theme Beautiful Sunrise with SEO and AdSense. It looks awesome and it works great except a minor problem:
Some Plugins do not work with this theme. I’ve installed the WordPress Related Posts, the WP Keyword Link and the Quick Adsense Plugins, non of them works with this theme.
Could you check how to fix it?
WordPress Plugins not Working with Theme
Some WordPress Plugins Require Template Editing
I’m not a user of those WordPress plugins, have you checked what’s required in a WordPress theme for those WordPress plugins to work?
Many plugins require some template editing or specific theme features to work.