Comment on Beautiful Sunrise AdSense WordPress Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress Beautiful Sunrise Theme Beautiful Sunrise with SEO and AdSense works fine in WordPress 3.01. I don’t run it on any live sites, but have it available on my business PC for testing (when WordPress updates I give all the themes a quick test).

I was selling this theme a couple of months ago, so it’s a a good theme, but I’ve moved on with my main theme (Talian 5 which I sell: update 2014, it’s now free) which is much, much better (I use it on all my WordPress sites) and I don’t have the time to upgrade a dozen themes to the same level as Talian 05. I might update a few later, but Beautiful Sunrise won’t be one of them, it was never a popular theme (wife liked it).

I plan to give more of the themes I’m currently selling for free over the next year or so. Recently included Naruto Strikes Back WordPress Theme for free as well.

To get Beautiful Sunrise working with your AdSense account load the adsense.php file in a text editor and paste your publisher ID over mine (full instructions with the theme).

In comparison the Talian 05 theme has all the settings online: there’s a built in admin screen with dozens of options from your AdSense ID (the only required input from a user) to what colour version and which banners you want Talian to use.

BTW if you did install a theme that broke your site, all you do is either activate your original theme or if for some reason nothing was accessible (that’s rare) delete the problem themes folder (via FTP) in the themes directory which will force your WordPress installation to revert back to the default Twenty10 theme. Then you can activate another theme.
