Comment on WOW Gold Guide by SEO Dave.

WOW Gold Guide Been using the WOW gold making tips for a while now, I’ve bought my epic flying mount for 5200 gold and paid 2200 gold towards a friends epic flying mount.

I joined the raiding guild Semper Fi (one of the top guilds on the Hellfire realm) and spending a LOT of time raiding-

So far cleared

Karazhan (I’ve not done Nightbane yet)
Gruuls Lair

From Serpentshrine Cavern so far-
Hydross the Unstable
The Lurker Below

From The eye-

And working on other bosses including Magtheridon’s Lair.

Raiding costs quite a bit of gold in repairs and pots, not to mention the cost to purchase mats for various enchants for new gear. Even so right now I have over 3,500 gold most of which is thanks to the gold tips from the guide!

So well worth the money for the gold guide.