I’ve spent a lot of time playing World of Warcraft with a raiding guild and when you’ve been playing for a few years and have multiple level 90 WOW characters you no longer really need to farm WOW gold.

When you have so much gold your level 1 warehouse alts (where you store extra WOW resources) are rich, no need to farm gold.

Now farming crafting resources etc… that’s another matter, some are hard to acquire!

It’s still good to keep up to date with the latest WOW gold farming techniques.

Over the years I tried a lot of World of Warcraft gold guides and some of them are no longer available!

WOW Gold Guides

Valkor’s Gold Making Guide : no longer available
Team iDemise Gold Guide : no longer available
The World of Warcraft Gold Secrets Guide
Gold Academy for World of Warcraft

Dugi gold guide has been kept up to date in recent years while others have either gone completely or stopped at levels 80 and 85 or not updated to take into account dailies (what WOW players want to do).

Dugi Gold Academy for World of Warcraft Review

Within the gold guide WOW addons (built into WOW, not ebooks or websites with info) you get the obvious gold farming routes, where to go to make lots of WOW gold, but also many other techniques for generating gold without having to grind through hundreds of kills.

Some of the gold making techniques use the auction house (there’s a Dugi WOW addon to make it easier) and using various gathering and crafting professions to maximize gold making.

WOW Gold Guide

Few examples from the gold guide below:

Tiny Treasure Chest Farming
Gold With Gathering Professions
Gold With Crafting Professions
Disenchanting: A True Gold Maker
Crafter’s Hidden Gold

Buy WOW Gold Guide

If you are new to World of Warcraft and looking to generate a lot of WOW gold fast the gold guide is a must buy.

Buy Gold Guide

When you trying to farm enough gold to buy the best flying mounts it’s a chore and having a gold farming guide addon can save a lot of time.

Basically if you are currently making 100 gold an hour using a gold guide can increase your gold output significantly.

Dugi also has a WOW 1-90 leveling guide, see my WOW leveling guide review.


David Law > AKA SEO Dave
: 20+ Years Experience as a Freelance SEO Consultant, WordPress SEO Expert, Internet Marketer, Developer of Multiple WordPress SEO Plugins/SEO Themes Including the Stallion Responsive Theme.

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