Comment on WordPress Widgets Tutorial by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Widget If you are trying to make a clickable banner type ad the same dimensions as the AdSense sidebar ad it’s

160px wide 600px height

You don’t have to use that width, the sidebar can handle a width around 180px and the height is your choice.

You can have image ads in the place of the AdSense ads on a site.

Below should be an image ad of sorts (links back to this site) and uses one of the images from the WordPress SEO Plugins article.

It’s just a centered div with an image link, as long as you set your image to the size of the ad you want (something like 180px wide 600px height) you don’t have to set anything else.

WordPress SEO

Code for this:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="WordPress SEO" width="160" height="249" class="aligncenter" /></a>

Max width you can use for an image using the above code is around 200px with Talian 5.

Adapt to your site/images etc…
