Comment on WordPress Widgets Tutorial by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Widget Hey Clayton,

You’ve misunderstood how widgets work, when you add menu widgets you have to add ALL the widgets you want to show on the two Talian menus. So if you want a menu setup like mine you’d add to sidebar 1 these widgets:

Translators GAT
Theme Switcher (custom coding)
Categories GAT
Popular Articles GAT
Recent Comments Gat

Click save changes and sidebar 1 will now show all those menu items.

Do similar for sidebar 2 with

Adverts Clear BG GAT
Recent Articles GAT

You can setup your two menus with whatever menu items you use and leave the rest out.

This will over write any changes you made to the sidebar.php file, to get any custom code work on to your sidebars now you’ll need to add it to the functions.php file in the widget format (has some surrounding code).

If you compare sidebar.php to some of the coding in functions.php you’ll see all the sidebar code is there as well, this is the widget form of those menu items plus the extra clear background AdSense ad unit code to give more ad options.

With regards to the archive coding problem, once you use widgets as described above all changes within sidebar.php file is ignored. When you learn how to use widgets correctly this will solve your problem: don’t add the Archives widget to one of the menus, no need to mess around with the sidebar.php file at all (or any code work to not show it).

David Law