Comment on WordPress Widgets Tutorial by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Widget A lot of WordPress users get confused on the widgets.

Many themes like Stallion have default widgets, you don’t remove these widgets because they aren’t added as actual widgets, they are hard coded in one of the template files and only show when no widgets are dragged and dropped into those widget areas. The actual widget areas start empty and not used until you add your first widget by dragging and dropping it into the widget area.

In the Stallion theme two of the widget areas have default hard coded widgets (the other widget areas have no defaults), when you add your first widget to the left sidebar the hard coded menu items are no longer used (the code isn’t loaded) and only widgets dragged and dropped into the left sidebar widget area is shown (same for the right sidebar).

Drag and drop a couple of widgets to the left widget area and the same for the right and view the home page and it will all make sense. Only add the widgets you want on your site.

On this site I use the left and right widget areas and the first 4 footer widget areas to achieve this look. There are other Stallion widget areas (11 in total) I’ve not used, but do use on other sites.
