Comment on Stallion Responsive SEO Theme Layout Options by Erik.

WordPress 2 Column Layouts Hi Dave,

One question on using the H1 replacement widget and if there is any SEO affect based on its position.

I have implemented a header image as my blog title, and am now using the H1 Replacement widget in the sidebar (have turned title link off).

My question is about the position of the H1 tag in the code of the page. Does it matter where the widget is placed?

For instance, if I check the source code of a post (which would be using the post title as H1), the H1 appears fairly high, about line 60. But on the source code of my main index page, the H1 appears in the mid-400s. Does this matter for SEO purposes? If so should I move the H1 widget higher in the sidebar?

Thanks for any thoughts on this.
