Comment on Stallion Responsive SEO Theme Layout Options by SEO Dave.

WordPress 2 Column Layouts I completely agree, the difficulty is creating a great looking page without it costing on the SEO side.

Easy to take everything away from the home page with Stallion via the Page templates, but take out all the sidebar links etc… and the rest of the site gets no link juice.

For example I’m thinking about adding a mememaker (images with captions) to some of my joke type sites, there’s a variety of PHP based scripts available for generating a meme site, BUT the SEO is non-existent, they look really good though. For me SEO comes first since without it my sites don’t gain traffic, with no traffic what’s the point!

Have you tried playing around with the Page templates? page-sales.php (template name Static Page Blank Sales No Sidebars) is a stand alone template, basically the header.php, content.php and footer.php template files combined into one file with the sidebar template files emptied of widget areas. If you are looking for a front page you build a lot like you’d built a html file that’s a good start.
