Comment on Stallion Responsive SEO Theme Layout Options by Kristen.

WordPress 2 Column Layouts Hi David,

I am setting up a site using Stallion Theme and I really like it so far. I ended up pulling my hair out for awhile over sidebar issues, though. I wanted a single sidebar on the right, such as you have here on the Stallion site. Though I clicked the radio button for “Right 310px” in my theme setup I was still getting extra stuff (Categories, Archives, etc) in my right-hand sidebar which I hadn’t put there.

I finally figured out that my Right sidebar was being composed of the Right sidebar stacked on top of the Left sidebar in my right-hand column. I don’t mind this at all, I can spread widgets between the two sidebars evenly.

But is this what’s supposed to happen? And if so, can it be made a little clearer in the theme layout options or documentation?