Comment on WordPress Theme Development by Rachel.

Stallion Responsive WordPress Theme Hi David,
I have tried to create a clickable logo for my Talian site while keeping the SEO strength of the logo in the header.
What I’ve learned is that most CSS tricks for logo in the header using a background logo and H1 with a display: none or indent=-9999, which is wrongful when it comes to search engine optimization.

The original Talian theme uses a clickable site name and was SEO friendly because it puts in h1 the blog name and also a paragraph with the site info.

My workaround for the logo was somewhat different, here is what I did:
On the header.php:

div class=”header_site_desc” h1 a href=” /”><img alt="” title=”Home” src=” /images/logo.png” /> /a> /h1 /div

And on the file:

.header_site_desc {
float: left;
clear: left;

.header_site_desc h1 a {
    display: block;
    margin-top: -10px;
.header_site_desc a img {
    border: none;
    display: block;

While, this way still doesn’t have the same SEO strengths as it was in the original theme, it puts the logo in an H1.
What do you think?