Comment on WordPress Theme Development by SEO Dave.

Stallion Responsive WordPress Theme It’s difficult to change the header in Talian 5, but easy in Stallion 6.

Stallion has header images (over 20 of them + custom slots for your header images), the search form can be disabled, navigation links moved to the top of the page or disabled, the sites tagline can be moved to the footer, the site title can be disabled. If you turned everything off/moved things around (all via the options pages) you can have just the header image at the top on it’s own in Stallion 6.

I’ll probably add the option to turn the header area off completely as well before the release: in a future update want to add different size/designs for the header area as well.

There’s also a new widget area in the header area, so you can add an ad or custom code (you can add almost anything to a widget via a Text widget): example might be create a unique header image and use the widget area to add a large 700px+ wide AdSense ad that takes up most of the header area.

There’s a lot of flexibility in Stallion 6. Going to have a heck of a time creating tutorials for Stallion :-)

I’m working on the Stallion Clickbank affiliate program now, almost setup. This will be my first affiliate product so having to learn a new system, currently looking to sell Stallion with a 50% affiliate revenue share. Actually a little concerned I might get over run with orders and not be able to cope with support requests: IMO nothing more important than high quality support.

Planning on releasing Stallion and the Stallion affiliate program at the same time, so as a Talian customer you’ll get the new theme and the affiliate program details at the same time (will be emailing all Talian customers).

BTW got my eldest son (he’s a computer programmer) to create a ‘registration’ system that should significantly reduce Clickbank refunds (I understand it’s a problem for Clickbank products). Basically if a customer orders the theme and asks for a refund from Clickbank (which they’ll get, there’s a 60 day money back guarantee) the theme is disabled (actually turns off and activates the TwentyTen theme). I can put the Stallion theme available for download for free, but to use it with your AdSense ID (and gain access to all options) there needs to be a valid transaction ID. Add no transaction ID and my AdSense ID is used (I get the earnings), add an invalid transaction ID and Stallion is deactivated and TwentyTen is activated (useful having a computer programmer as a son :-)). Because of this system those who order a Clickbank product, get a refund and keep using the product will not be an issue for Stallion (Clickbank refund rates for Stallion should be very low).
