Comment on WordPress Theme Development by SEO Dave.

Stallion Responsive WordPress Theme Changing the colours of this theme has been discussed on other comments under this page, you have to edit a few images.

My wife is not very good with computers, but on one of her sites she’s been making custom banner images with PaintShop Pro and she plans to change the colours herself (I did the last ones for her at to get the blue).

To change font sizes and the font you’ll need to open the style.css file in a text editor and change the font family and font sizes manually.

Unfortunately there’s a lot of fonts sizes within the style.css file so it’s not a straightforward thing to explain what they all do, so it’s a case of change them and see what happens. Search for


through the style.css file to find them all (about 15 instances). The em value is a relative value, relative to 1, increase the number to make it bigger, decrease it to make it smaller.

The font types or family. Search for


And change the font family for each one you want changing (about 5 of them).

To match the AdSense font go to Google AdSense control panel and check what fonts you have set

Since the default font for each ad unit type (the difference ad unit sizes) is different, you’ll have to set the default font to one of those available, otherwise they won’t match what you do to the theme.

If you look at the sample ad units at you can see the different default fonts used (though they don’t list them).

So if you want the theme and AdSense fonts to match exactly you’ll have to change your default AdSense font to either Arial, Times or Verdana and match the em value to whatever small/medium/large look like.
