Comment on WordPress Image Slideshow by SEO Dave.

WordPress Slideshow Sounds like a good plan, little advice.

Stallion has an update feature which means when I release the next update your customer could update over your customizations with a few clicks of the mouse if you’ve edited one of the built in colour schemes and not used a custom set! I advise using the custom style sheets so when an update is released your client doesn’t update over your code by mistake.

You can see an example of what you need to create for a custom colour under earlier comments about

Stallion Delicate Theme

Stallion Coraline Theme

Each comment includes a link to a zip file with the custom files, a css file and images.

In the next Stallion update (Stallion 6.1.1 which I’m working on) I’ve added those two colour schemes into the normal Stallion options pages, the above is a way for me to give between update colour schemes.

Those two colour schemes have some new styling not included in the other Stallion colour schemes: Tags at the bottom of posts include an image, Reply to comment link includes an image, the sidebar menu links image changes when hovered over, the comment submit button and search button (widget version) includes styling.

I was looking through the WordPress theme repository for new colour schemes and it’s surprising how popular relatively plain colour schemes are.
