Comment on WordPress SEO Tutorial 2014 Alt Text by SEO Dave.

Search Engine Optimized Alt Text in WordPress That’s a really good point, a lot of webmasters forget about optimizing their WordPress images and taking just a minute or two extra can help both Google web search and Google image search results.

How to Optimize Images:

Firstly name your images with SEO in mind, the main WordPress SEO article this comment is attached to is about SEO and Anchor Text, I took a screenshot of what an image on that page looks like with images turned off (you see the alt text) and I named the image seo-alt-text.jpg which is a good SEO name for that image, tells Google the image is about SEO Alt Text sine Google treats hyphens (-) as spaces.

Secondly add relevant text to the alt attribute (alt=””). For the image above I added the alt text “SEO Alt Text” which reinforces the image file name.

That’s all you have to do to optimize images.

At the time of writing this comment this site is relatively new, I bought the domain name over a year ago, but only started adding content about 6 weeks ago (had no content or links: was PR0). This article was added here 11 days ago, so it’s new.

Checking Google image search for the phrase SEO Alt Text I see 3 of the images from this article in the top 30, the highest is number 10. Remember this is a new site, new article (new images as well) and yet is still ranking quite high for SEO Alt Text. Where will it be in 12 months time?

That’s Google image search, Google web search tends to be harder, I don’t really have an article aimed specifically at SEO Alt Text (yet, there’s one that covers the SERP, but easier WordPress specific SERPs) and there’s no page in the top 30 Google web search. However in the top 20 you’ll find this post for the search “WordPress SEO Alt Text” and for Google Image search it’s 1, 5 and 11.

As you can see it’s so much easier to gain image SERPs and they help with related Google web search SERPs.

David Law