Comment on WordPress SEO by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO The meta keywords tag has no value, it is completely ignored by Google (check with Google’s official info). You are wasting your time if you think setting a meta description tag will increase SERPs. In Stallion 6 I’m turning this meta tag off by default (can be turned back on via the options page, will be turned off on all my sites).

In Talian 5 if I’ve understood you correctly you want a specific title element (it’s called title element not title tag) and a specific meta description.

The meta description has no SEO ranking value, but can be used by Google etc… as the description snippet for a SERP, so might increase click through, but it will not increase rankings.

The title element is extremely important SEO wise and should be optimised.

The page or post you are using to generate the static home page, the title from that page will be used as the title element for the home page. So the title element can be set to whatever you want it to be by editing that pages title.

A snippet from that post will be used as the meta description. The meta description is automated, but you can set a custom meta description for any post by editing the post and edit the excerpt field. This option is not available by default in WordPress (strange WordPress development didn’t add this feature) for static Pages. In Stallion 6 I’ve added this as a feature, there will be an except form like you find in posts.

If you don’t want to wait for Stallion 6 you could add this yourself by editing the function.php file and adding this code:

if ( function_exists('add_post_type_support') ) 
add_action('init', 'add_page_excerpts');
function add_page_excerpts() 
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );

You could then edit the static page you are using for the home page and add a relevant excerpt that will become the meta description.

I hope to release Stallion 6 this month, so not much longer to wait for this as a built in feature.
