Comment on WordPress SEO by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO I’ve not used Joomla extensively (tried it, preferred WordPress).

What you describe is similar to what I’m doing with this site. If you look at the home page I’ve got a static like home page which links to the WordPress themes. The links and images are added manually, but having a static home page is a WordPress option.

Regarding blog posts vs static pages, there’s not really a great deal of difference between them. Although WordPress is blogging software if you remove the date references (on this page you see “Posted on September 23rd, 2007” near the top) it’s just like any other general CMS.

Quite easy to remove the date references, so you can use WordPress blog posts to create a non blog like site: to remove dates you’d use Widgets and not add the monthly archive widget, edit pages like single.php and page.php and remove the date reference (I should create a post about it).

WordPress also has the static like page posts as well (WordPress didn’t make it easy to describe the 2 types, ones called pages and the other posts!).

On the right menu of this site is a section “Pages” which lists all the sites static pages like the WordPress SEO Tutorial pages, with this type of page you can setup child pages under a page, for example under I’ve so far added 4 child pages.

So as long as you understand how WordPress works there’s a lot you can achieve.
