Comment on WordPress SEO Theme Reviews by SEO Dave.

Stallion Responsive SEO Theme Funny you should mention a white theme, I used the site you linked to in another comment (your friends site that uses a customised version of Talian 5) as the inspiration for a simpler white version of Talian.

I’m putting more of the css coding into the custom css files so further customisation is much easier for both customers and me for future colour variations.

I have most of the SEO/WordPress settings type features I want to add to the next update already coded. So will be working on design mostly now.

Plan to code in a custom ad system as well, will be able to add almost any ad type on top of the current AdSense and Clickbank coding.

If I have time want to try to add a single sidebar version with the one sidebar quite wide to accommodate a double set of 125px wide image ads (popular ad format for custom ads), so a sidebar with width around 300px.

Today I’ve coded in the ability to add a header image behind the name of the site, the search form (which can now be disabled: coded that in as well) and navigation links. It can be turned on/off and have set some default images (made 3 so far, will probably add 10 headers) and have one tick box free for a custom header image the user has to upload. Basically you make an image with dimensions 1000px x 110px and it fits right in the middle of the current colour scheme of the header area (a 120px height image). This results in an overlap leaving the top and bottom 10px of the current background image/colour showing with the new header image over it. I suppose you could also make the image 1000px x 120px if you only want the new header image to show.

Thinking about adding the ability to have a large ~800px wide ad above the current banner/widget area (add a big ad or banner there and turn off the rotating banners otherwise would look really cluttered). Maybe a 800px wide banner type ad and the remaining space (approx 200px)for a smaller ad or a Twitter link or something.

All accessible via the options page which will be fun to code :-)

Will be putting significantly more time into development from now on as in January will be releasing a Clickbank affiliate program to sell the next version.

I’ll be registering a new domain that will be dedicated to version 6 (won’t be called Talian) and will use the domain for Clickbank promotion etc… Generally speaking Clickbank affiliates don’t like to promote sites like this one, I have too many links off the site to my other sites and there’s the other themes that are for sale here as well.

Bugger, just realised I’ll have to make make some affiliate resources :-)

All Talian customer will receive a free copy of the renamed SEO theme. I’m expecting a LOT of new customers when I start selling via Clickbank. Think I’ll give current customers a week with version 6 before opening it to Clickbank affiliates per se, give customers who are into promoting Clickbank products a little time to write reviews before we get the inevitable “this theme is awesome” reviews from Clickbank product promoters who don’t even buy the product!

About the only limit in what can be coded in a theme is a limitation on options. With version 6 there’s going to be over 100 options on the options page (up from ~45 in version 5) and though I can add all sorts of features to a theme, more options added, more complicated it gets. Fortunately there will always be the add your AdSense ID leave everything else default and forget about it option :-)
