Comment on WordPress SEO Plugins by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Plugins Have solved the plugin/excerpt problem, can now create WordPress themes that by default create archive pages (like monthly pages and the index) that show a small excerpt of each post rather than the whole posts (which can create enormous pages!!).

If you install my SEO version of the WordPress Post Teaser plugin I mention above (will be available to download for free soon) you’ll get an improved excerpt that works with the Alinks plugin (which I’ll also add my version to the site).

Basically by using my WordPress AdSense/SEO themes you can use the two plugins (and others I use) to generate an SEO’d blog with semi-automated internal linking of important keywords.

Will take me a few days to update the themes currently available and I’m still working on the RSS links problem (think I have a fix) so will do that at the same time. Will then send out the new theme versions to anyone who has bought themes from this site.
