Comment on WordPress SEO Plugins by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Plugins The Talian theme shouldn’t have any negative impact on embedded code.

Is the problem on the actual blog posts or the archives like Categories/Home Page etc…?

If it’s with archives that will be because the theme is set to show an excerpt of posts on archive pages to reduce duplicate content problems. If this is the problem suggests you’ve been using a theme that shows the entire blog post on archive pages (not a good idea SEO wise).

If this is the issue (if the site you’ve linked to in your author name is the site, it is the issue) there the Post Teaser WordPress SEO Plugin this uses the full content of a post to generate an excerpt which means embedded code and HTML (links, images etc…) is shown on archive pages if it falls in the excerpt.

I see you are using a WordPress autoblog plugin, I’ve been playing around with those types of plugins recently and they can generate a lot of high bandwidth content on your home page if you use themes that show full posts. I have my own quite powerful dedicated server and even using the Post Teaser plugin generates home pages with a lot of images, YouTube videos so for that type of site I’ve not activated the plugin (I tend to use the Post Teaser WordPress SEO Plugin on most sites as well).

There’s also an SEO argument for using an HTML free archive pages (like the default Talian 05 theme creates) on autoblogs as they have quite a lot of affiliate links and though you want to send your traffic to Amazon etc… majority of your traffic is going to be long tail SERPs that go direct to the blog post with the content rather than archive pages, so it can be argued you only need the affiliate links on the blog posts.

If you do use the plugin above and want full posts for posts on archive pages set the number of words to a high number so the entire post is shown.
