Comment on WordPress SEO Plugins by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Plugins Hi Serge,

Not had that error with those plugins and have a lot of sites running the latest version of WordPress (2.7.1). Because you are getting multiple plugin problems suggests it’s not due to the plugins directly.

This is what I’d try to troubleshooting a WordPress fatal error.

Deactivate all plugins and trying those plugins independently, sometimes 2 plugins can’t run together?

Download the full version of WordPress 2.7.1 and upload it over your current files: if you have a corrupt file or an out of date file (messed up upgrade) this will fix it.

Note down the fatal error and do various Google searches see if others have had this problem.

Although I don’t think it’s the plugins at fault, unfortunately the original author of the aLinks plugin ( no longer updates the aLinks plugin, the domain above is no longer even live! As WordPress updates issues are going to develop, so far I’ve personally not had any problems with aLinks, but I’m sure eventually this plugin will stop working (WordPress 3.0 maybe :)).

Every few months or so I take a quick look at what’s new in WordPress plugins, but so far not found a similar plugin to aLinks to replace it, I prefer to use plugins that are kept up to date, (right now I think 3 of the plugins above are no longer updated by the original authors) even if I find a new one that’s updated today there’s no guarantee that will be the case a year from now. So far been lucky with not having problems or been able to find sites online with new bug fixes.

My SEO version of the Post Teaser plugin has significant code alterations to make it work for better search engine rankings, I wouldn’t use the original plugin without the modifications since the link to the full post has terrible anchor text (“Read More” if I recall correctly).

Are you sure you are looking at the right plugin when you say it’s updated to 3.11.3, when I go to the site I got the original from it still says it’s version 3.8?

Hmm, looks like there is another plugin with the same name that is based on the original Post Teaser plugin (original no longer updated). WordPress plugin authors don’t make things easy :)

I’ll take a look at it and see if it’s better than the original Post Teaser. From the text seams there is a difference, original would clip the post at X characters, the new one cuts at the end of a paragraph. As long as your posts aren’t one big paragraph this could be a small improvement (it’s also kept up to date).

David Law