Comment on WordPress Page Templates Tutorial by SEO Dave.

WordPress Post Template The Facebook and Twitter links are the same for both Static Pages and Blog Posts?

Are you using one of the extra Static Page template files like the Sitemap templates? Because you don’t actually add any content to those Pages the Facebook and Twitter buttons would be at the top, but for a normal Static Page they are at the bottom.

You could make your own Page template or edit the one you are using, find

?php if(st_facebook()==1){ ?>

and you’d delete 6 lines of code ending with

?php } ?>

Or for that template change the two lines with ==1 to ==3, the buttons won’t be loaded.

You can’t by default add tags to static Pages?

I’ve added the tags code to static Pages, but it will be ignored unless you are running a plugin to add tags to static Pages.

Either you are looking at a blog Post by mistake or you are running a plugin that ads tags to Pages.

If you don’t want tags on static pages edit the pages.php file and remove the line including: ?php the_tags(); ?` You could also make a static Page template with the tags code removed if you are running a plugin which adds tags to pages.
