Comment on WordPress Language Translation by SEO Dave.

WordPress Theme Language Translation Added language translation to Stallion 6.3, but I’ve not used the usual po/mo file language translation you get with some WordPress themes and plugins, the translations are held in the WordPress database which should make keeping them up to date and creating more translations easier.

The language translation ONLY covers what our visitors see on the webpage, none of the options page text will be translated, there’s too much of it and I’m fluent in only one language and trying to keep the options pages up to date in various languages would be a nightmare. I wonder if the Google translator widget concept built into Stallion would work for the Stallion option pages as well???

Like I said the translation covers what is seen on the webpage by our visitors, so for the Comment Form area all the entries are translatable on an easy to use Stallion options page.

Currently the Language Options page has 31 text snippits (might increase as some widgets might need translations) that can be translated plus an option to select a language file with all the settings already translated to various languages: currently four options: English, French, German and Custom with the custom one for any language you translate.

I’m only fluent in English, I used Google translate to generate the French and Germen translations, I have no idea how good/bad they are :-)

Good news is Google translator can save your translations (though doesn’t save any edits to the translation).



On the left are all the English snippets that Stallion will translate and on the right is the translation.

I’ve taken the translations and added them to a file in the folder /stallion-seo-theme/languages/ which is linked into the Language Options page so a language can be loaded into the database rather than have the user type the translations.

I’m supposed to not be adding more features to Stallion 6.3 :-) but if anyone wants a specific language translation added to Stallion 6.3 edit one of the links above to your language and copy and paste the translation (right panel) into a comment or email it me like this (this is the German translation):

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Don’t just post the default Google translation if you don’t read the language, only make a translation for me to add if you understand the language reasonably well. If you read German/French and find my translations (which are pretty much the default Google translation versions) aren’t the best feel free to edit them and I’ll update the files before Stallion 6.3 is released.

When Stallion 6.3 is released you’ll be able to use the custom file to translate a language yourself and if you send me the translation I’ll try to include it in the next update.

I’ve not tested this feature on a live site yet, only on localhost, had issues with the character encoding, I was working with a text editor with character encoding ANSI and most WordPress sites use UTF-8. This meant the settings when run broke the language options page because I was trying to add non UTF-8 characters and the MYSQL database wasn’t saving them correctly. After converting the file to UTF-8 it worked perfectly, so when I release Stallion 6.3 make sure you create and save the files in UTF-8 if you work with the custom language file.
