Comment on WordPress Header Images by SEO Dave.

WordPress Custom Header Options I’ve wrote the tutorial for the headers and banners now (main article this comment is part of).

The clickable header link is a good SEO question.

For pages other than the home page removing the home page link at the top will have no major SEO impact, for those pages (basically all but one page of the site) the link is just a text link with no more value than any other link on the site. So if you felt loosing a link back to home was the end of the world SEO wise you could easily add a link back to home on the links widget (Dashboard “Links >> Add Link”.

On the home page this link is within a H1 header. The Stallion theme assumes the title of the site is the main keywords for the home page. By disabling this link you loose your home page H1 header.

If you have a static Page for your home page this isn’t a problem because the static Page front page option generates a second H1 header (this site’s home page is set this way, view source there’s two H1 headers).

If you have the standard archive of blog Posts WordPress setup for the home page (10 archived posts on the home page) I haven’t thought of an easy way to replace this H1 link yet.

To remove the Stallion affiliate banner ad go to your widgets menu and add widgets. “Appearance >> Widgets”

When you drag and drop your first widget on the left and right sidebars all the default widgets are removed so you can build your sidebars exactly how you want them (only the widgets you want). So add the widgets you want and the others will no longer be shown (plenty of people get confused with widgets, they assume adding one widget will add to the default ones when it deletes them so you can start from scratch).
