Comment on WordPress Hacks by SEO Dave.

WordPress Hacks Under your WordPress Dashboard on the left menu click


For each link you want to open in a new window hover over and click Edit.

Under “Target” tick “_blank” followed by the “Update Link” button.

Do this for all links you want to open in a new window.

Be aware some people, especially many webmasters hate to have a new window forced on them (that’s what right click, open in new window is for) so if your target audience are webmasters think twice before using target=_blank, is it going to irritate anyone?

Take the Talian 5 options page, there’s links to relevant information on how to setup various options, the last thing you want is to click a link and leave the options page while you are setting it up, so I’ve used target=_blank. I generally wouldn’t use it for a blogroll link just to keep visitors on my site a little bit longer.
