Comment on WordPress Hacks by SEO Dave.

WordPress Hacks Hi Phil,

I can see what you are aiming for and I’ve considered trying something like this myself. Basically what you are doing is creating a custom template that can be accessed as a static Page. It’s similar in concept to the Sitemap.php template file supplied with Talian.

Anyway, a standard sort of squeeze page would lack a lot of the elements associated with a WordPress page and I can see from your code you’ve removed a lot of that code. Looks good to me, obviously as you removed the header, footer and sidebar code you loose all the SEO parts there. So you’ll have to add your own SEO’d title element etc…

I’ve not tried this (just had the thought), but you could in theory use an almost blank template file (no code to be used from a template, just the content function) and paste an entire HTML page as WordPress page.

This would use no template elements from Talian (any theme) so would be a completely stand alone page, but it would still be linked like any other page from the menu etc… so gain internal links automatically.

If I tried this I’d write a unique excerpt since otherwise your pages top HTML elements will probably be used as an excerpt on the related posts plugin etc…

Would be useful for adding squeeze pages etc… provided by affiliates, though you’d have to SEO the entire page from scratch as this way you’d get no optimization from the theme at all.

David Law