Comment on WordPress Custom Nav Menu by SEO Dave.

WordPress Drop Down Menu I wasn’t able to incorporate the automated home page link using the name of the site into the new style WordPress navigation menu (which is available in Stallion 6, but not Talian 5).

There’s two ways to achieve this link.

You can revert back to the old style navigation menu code (as used in Talian 5) and it’s included. This is an option on the Stallion Layout Options page. This options is pretty much gives you what you had in Talian 5 plus a couple of improvements like the ability to exclude OR include pages (Talian only had exclude).

Or keep with the new style navigation menu and use the WordPress custom menu’s as described at WordPress Nav Menu Manager.

For an automated solution probably best going old style, for a more elegant solution with a lot more options of what to link to on the navigation menu use the custom menus, but they do take longer to setup, so with old autoblogs there’s an argument to go with the fastest solution (time is money).

The top link AdSense ad is still available, but is turned off by default in Stallion 6. Go to the AdSense Options page and turn it back on.

The GAT in widgets stands for “Google AdSense Templates” (name of the site you bought Talian from). The GAT widgets are ones I’ve built and so cause no SEO damage to a site. Some of the default widgets like the non GAT version of Recent Comments causes SEO damage (generates nofollow links on your sidebars deleting link benefit!), so aim to use a GAT widget before a non GAT widget to be safe.
