Comment on Text Links SEO by SEO Dave.
There’s a large group of Internet users called bloggers, they spend many hours a day both reading and writing diary like web sites called weblogs or blogs.
I own a lot of blogs, they generate a lot of links from other bloggers who find my type of writing/content interesting. If you lack a talent for writing don’t worry, you can always do image blogs like a Photo Blog until you find a niche.
Many of the images on that blog are from a cheap digital camera, all are taken by myself or my family (wife and three young lads). If we keep adding new images it will generate links, we can then link from that site to other sites that make money.
As a side note you can pay people to blog for you, my kids for example do blogs which I use for links to important sites. In return they get the AdSense income from the blogs.
If you are looking for blog software look at WordPress first (it’s great from an SEO perspective) and the WordPress SEO Package I develop it will help monetize them.
Bloggers are link happy, they’ll link to almost anything for no reason at all. Great as an SEO consultant if you can harness that link power for your own websites.
Other blog options are copying your industry news and commenting on it (avoid copying whole articles though, this reduces duplicate content AND copyright problems). Take a snippet of a news story, post it to your blog and make a paragraph sized comment.
Before you know it you have a 50 page web site filled with relevant SEO optimised content that you can link from to your important websites.
This won’t generate as many links as completely organic/original content, but may get your creative juices flowing and have you sculpting blog master pieces in no time.
More Comments by SEO Dave
Link Building
BlackHat SEO Link Building Techniques
What’s blackat SEO about the text link articles on this site exactly?
Not like we are explaining the best ways to spam blog comments for backlinks or how to hack forum software so you can deface it with text links!
David …
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