Comment on Technical Support by SEO Dave.

WordPress Technical Support The Connection was Reset Error Message will be a resource your webpage is loading which as the error message states a connection being reset.

The actual error message is loaded in a H1 header (that’s your browser), if you loaded the resource on it’s own the error message is all you would see. Since it’s in the middle of your page it’s not actually your website as such generating the error: unless the resource is on your site.

I don’t know which resource is having connection issues, sounds like it’s where your social media like buttons are. You’ll see this sometimes with social media buttons where the connection timed out while loading a FaceBook like button etc…

If it’s happening on rare occasions it’s probably not a big issue, if it’s happening a lot and you track the resource down to your website: for example if tying to load an image was timing out, it’s something to look into.

Search Google for: Connection was Reset

This is searching your entire domain for webpages Google has indexed that include the text “Connection was Reset”. As you can see right now there’s none indexed.

If this was a big issue AND the error was part of your webpage you’d find pages listed.

This strongly suggest whichever resource is causing The Connection was Reset Error Message isn’t on your domain, could be a Facebook like button for example which would mean the error is on Facebook not your site. "The Connection was Reset"

If it is Facebook or another social media button you can track down where the error is by in FireFox by Right Click on the error message and if there’s a “This Frame” option, hover over it and “Open Frame in New Window”. You’ll get the site the error is on in a new window.
