Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options I use option 2 Mark.

If you load the header.php file into a text editor and find:


The exclude= bit can be used to exclude pages from the top navigation menu.

You read of the Page IDs from the edit page section under your Dashboard, what I do is hover over the edit link to read the ID numbers and add them like:


Those Page IDs won’t show on the navigation menu.

I’ve also got it setup so child pages are not shown (thanks to the depth=1 bit) on the navigation menu, so if pages are under a parent they won’t show up by default.

I then have the Pages widget on one of the sidebars to list the excluded and child pages. I’m thinking about added a third sidebar that will go above the footer, some of my sidebars get a bit crowded and would be nice to have a place to put some over flow: not high priority feature.

The WordPress SEO Tutorial pages are created that way there’s four child pages under it.

When I made Talian 04 I made it so the navigation menu could hold more links than before, Talian 03 it was around 4 links if the anchor text wasn’t too big, with Talian 04 it’s around 7 links. If you plan to have LOTS of pages you might want to consider deleting the automatic navigation menu and create it manually. I Use a combination of automated navigation links and manual at for example (the poll link isn’t even a Page, it’s a normal Blog Post and the Forum link is added manually).
