Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options Question for current Talian 04 customers.

As you know I use Talian on a lot of my own sites, one that’s getting a lot of comments (over 3,000 and counting and it’s my newest site!).

If you’ve played around with comment threading (added in WordPress 2.7) you’ll find a comment thread can go as deep as 10 comments. Now before the above site I’d never had a thread go beyond 5 levels deep, on the above site I’ve got it set to 10 deep (max setting and threads are going 10 deep!).

With a comment thread that goes beyond about 5 levels deep using the default style.css file included with the Talian 04 theme the comments are way too cramped, so on the general election site I’ve made the border between comments a lot narrower and it works, but now the threading is less obvious.

Do many of you have sites like the one above with really deep comment threads and so would prefer the narrow styling by default or do you prefer the wider settings currently used?

Like I say I’ve only had this issue on the one site and currently running Talian 04 on every WordPress blog installation. So there’s a good chance no one else needs the narrow styling.
