Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options Also I’ve had MAJOR issues with the form/button links background colour on comments (like the Template Creator links) because Internet Explorer is rubbish at CSS! I want what it looks like now, the links background colours blend into the comments background (white or mustard).

Now with with FireFox it’s easy, just use inherit to inherit the background colour of the Li element the form/button link is within.

Internet Explorer is so crap it ignores inherit and so it gave the standard grey background colour for a button link!

In the end I had to write 30 lines of CSS code instead of 4 lines! Had to repeat the CSS code for each child comment depth, which leads to a small problem (that I bet no one will notice, but I’m a perfectionist!).

If you set “Enable threaded (nested) comments X levels deep” and X is 6 or more some author links will have the wrong background colour (white when it should be mustard and mustard when it should be white).

I could add more lines of CSS code to deal with levels 6, 7, 8 etc… but it bloats the CSS file, so I suggest you stick to the default 5 nested comments like you see on this site.

David Law