Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options Hi Chuka,

The fix to your links to other sites in the navigation menu shouldn’t have any impact on the WordPress SEO Friendly Permalinks created by WordPress, the Talian theme doesn’t create the permalinks it’s all WordPress core using mod_rewrite.

Sounds like you’ve made an error in the editing, have you tried converting to WordPress SEO Friendly Permalinks using the unedited Talian theme? If it works with the original header.php file strongly suggests it’s a editing mistake (make sure you edit files in a text editor like Notepad NOT WordPad, MS Word or anything that adds formatting like Frontpage and other WYSIWYG type HTML editors).

If both fail suggests something like the .htaccess file is missing (incorrect code added).

Did you setup the .htaccess file as described within the WordPress permalinks setting? If your not sure see the SEO friendly permalinks link above for examples as without the .htaccess file the links to posts/categories etc… won’t work correctly since the mod_rewrite rules aren’t in place.

If you are sure everything is working correctly try disabling all plugins see if that fixes the problem. If it does enable plugins one at a time to find the culprit.

As you probably read WordPress SEO Friendly Permalinks are important, but if you can’t have them it’s not the end of the world. Just one of many SEO ideals that not every site gets.

David Law