Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

AdSense WordPress Theme Options Hi Chuka,

Yes it’s possible to link to other sites, but not without editing the template files.

As it happens the SEO Tutorial link on my navigation menu was created the same way as you would add a link to another site since the SEO Tutorial page is called “SEO Tutorial for WordPress” which is too much text for a link there, so I added it to the template file and used the exclude function to not show that link twice on the menu.

Load header.php in a text editor like Notepad and find

<div class="navigators">

Below this add your link with this format:

<li class="page_item"><a href="">Anchor Text</a></li>

This will put the link at the front of other navigation links, if you want it after your current links paste the above type of link code above the end </ul> tag instead

link code here


This would result in the link showing after your current links.

Save the file and upload over the original header.php file. Don’t forget to make a backup of your original header.php file.

That should do it.

David Law