Comment on Talian 5 WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.
The page issue is a problem with many themes, I think the general idea of WordPress as a blogging platform is to create a small number of the static Pages and the rest are blog posts, so as themes are created the Page issue with header navigation bars are over looked. Not a problem with themes that lack the header navigation menu.
Two solutions, don’t add more than a few pages :)
Or add a little code to your header to limit the number of pages shown on the navigation bar.
The latter is achieved as follows.
Load your header.php file in a text editor or the WordPress theme editor.
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
and change to
<?php wp_list_pages('include=1,2,3,7&title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
The include part of this determines which pages to show.
So if you just had
It would only list the 1st page created which is the About page I think.
To create your list you need to either go into your Dashboard and under Pages/Edit on the menu hover over the Title of a Page you want listed and read it’s post number, my sitemap for example is post=17 and looks like this when hovered over-
So it’s the number 17 I was looking for.
Take these numbers and plug them into your include list, save and upload.
So if I wanted the About page (1) and the Sitemap (17) for this site only it would look like this-
<?php wp_list_pages('include=1,17&title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
Save your header.php file and upload if you worked offline.
Should then only show the Pages you determine.
To list the rest of the pages you’ll need to use the sidebar menu called Pages, (yours is already on your menu) which is already listed if you don’t use widgets, if you use Widgets you’ll need to add it if you haven’t already done so.
I’d like to add this to the theme, but it’s one of those fiddly code things a lot of users aren’t comfortable with. Best I could do is include the depth=1 code which means sub-pages aren’t displayed on the header navigation menu.
David Law
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