Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme I normally test a major theme update (and Stallion 6 is a massive update) for a month on my own sites before releasing the updated theme and this has resulted in never having a major issue.

This time plan to update all my sites, check them a few days (I have 70+ WordPress installations with all sorts of setups) and if no issues will release to all current Talian 5 customers explaining it’s not gone through my normal extended testing period.

Any issues reported will be fixed after which I’ll stop selling Talian 5 and switch to Stallion 6 sales only. I’ll manually email Stallion 6 to the Talian 5 customers in the ‘testing’ period.

This will give those who want to try the new features ASAP a chance to do so and those who want to wait to be sure there’s no issues the option to use/keep using Talian 5.

BTW for anyone thinking of holding off buying Talian 5 waiting for Stallion 6 release before ordering be aware the price is going up quite a bit.

Talian 5 is by far the best WordPress SEO theme available today (it’s that good I’ve offered $500 for anyone who can show me a better SEO WordPress theme), but ad wise and layout wise it’s not the best available (there was a lot that could be improved).

Stallion 6 SEO is actually better than Talian 5 (surprised myself I could improve on the SEO) and ad wise it’s a MAJOR improvement. I’m not sure I can get away with calling it the best WordPress ad theme available, but it’s certainly competing with anything else available (you’ll understand when you try it). After I release Stallion 6 will have to take some time to compare to other ad themes see if any are better in some areas and if so improve Stallion 6 again.

The layout options are also significantly improved, there are many more layout options in Stallion, for example added a new set of widgets above the footer today and next will be working on placement of the main sidebars. I’ve a lot more features planned for the theme layout as well (layout is an area where thee are almost unlimited setup possibilities, just a matter of coding them in).

You can see some of the new features at the Stallion SEO Theme website.

I wouldn’t advise running a site with the above ad settings, I’ve turned on as many ads as I could (some ads can be moved around, like the top AdSense ad and bottom Chitika ad can be switched) so couldn’t add them all. I think there’s currently 18 ads showing on the home page, AdSense, Chitika and Clickbank ads, even with all those options and ads and some plugins running the page required just “48 queries in 0.472 seconds”.

Every ad can be turned on/off independently from a new options page (each ad system has it’s own options page now), each ad can have it’s dimensions set independently and various other attributes all from the 7 options pages (Talian 5 has one options page).

In future updates I plan to give style updates that make Stallion look like other themes. For example Blix has been quite popular on this site so I’ll probably make a Stallion addon that looks a lot like Blix.

This makes the Talian 5 price significantly undervalued for Stallion 6, so the price is going up.
