Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Stallion release is almost ready, the codes done, working on the ordering system. Have to import old customers details into the ordering system (so they can activate Stallion) and it’s causing a few headaches.

Assuming no more problems I should release within a week. Will be no readme files with Stallion 6, going to put all the readme info on the new Stallion site and not started that yet. Hoping for the short term I’ve added enough info on the options pages for the average user to get by until I write the full tutorials.

The single sidebar version is on the list of things to do for next update which I’ll start work on a few weeks after releasing Stallion 6.

I’ve laid the hard ground work for different sidebar layouts (needed to rewrite the CSS and the template code: was a real pain to crack as well) so it’s just a matter of creating new CSS files and maybe small template file tweaks to add that as a feature.

I’ve added a load of new features to Stallion compared to Talian, you can have ads almost anywhere including custom ads using the WordPress widget system.
