Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Feature creep, have I ever mentioned feature creep before :-)

I’m very close to releasing Stallion 6.1, have add so many new features I’ve lost track.

If you’ve used the default TwentyEleven WordPress theme it includes a large header image that can be a rotating image from a set of defaults or an image of your choice, also if you set a featured image on a post of dimensions 1000px by 288px it’s used when that post is loaded. That feature is part of Stallion 6.1. Can be set to show the current Stallion header plus the entire TwentyEleven type header with image (so two types of header) and all combinations in between up to no headers at all.

Added an image based navigation menu with some fancy javascript rollover effects, basically you can select 5 posts for this image navigation menu (in a future release I’ll see if this number can be varied) by adding them to a menu and setting a 300px by 200px wide featured image.

Added background image support, you can upload your own background image.

Soon as I stop adding new features and test a couple of weeks will release Stallion 6.1.


Update : The Stallion TwentyEleven header image feature is better than the original TwentEleven theme header feature. In TwentyEleven you are limited to 8 default images, only way to change them is either hack the template files or upload your images over the default ones using the same filenames. In Stallion 6.1 there are multiple header sets and the ability to add your own sets of 8 images (same concept as the Stallion banner images with custom folders). Upload your 16 images (8 headers and 8 associated thumbnails) to a folder and select that custom set for your use.