Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme In the Stallion 6.1 update there will be a new file with the theme where you can manually set all Stallion theme options (except your Stallion ID) that after activation tick a box and click Save Options and all your default settings will be propagated through the database.

Still not finished Stallion 6.1, right now there’s 208 options (added around 20 new options so far) in Stallion 6.1, most users with a lot of sites (like me) will probably change around 20 options per site if they don’t tend to change AdSense colours etc… that aren’t the current built in defaults: AdSense publisher ID, Chitika username, Clickbank username, Facebook button on, Twitter Button on and Twitter Username, SEO Super Comments on etc…

This new file will give you the option to add them all to the file, which looks like this:

$options1['st_adsense_on'] = '1'; # AdSense ON = 1, AdSense OFF = 0
$options1['st_adsense_pub'] = 'pub-8325072546567078'; # Your AdSense Publisher ID
$st_options2['st_adsense_con1'] = '0'; # Main Content Ad Unit : 0 = On, 1 = Off
$st_options2['st_adsense_float'] = 'fadright'; # Float Right = fadright, Float Left = fadleft
$st_options2['st_adsense_siz1'] = '11'; # Ad Size: See "AdSense Content Ad Unit Sizes" below.

Since with a theme with so many options I had to go with basic defaults, I don’t force users to use the SEO Super Comments plugin or have Twitter/Facebook buttons etc… (Google + button is included in 6.1 BTW) I’ll be making myself a set of defaults for the general type of settings I like to use (my favourite Stallion colour scheme is Red for example) and will release them to theme users who want to use the sort of SEO setup I use, but don’t understand SEO too well.

For those who build a lot of sites with Stallion this will save a lot of time, you’ll be able to make up half a dozen of these files say with different settings for different types of sites and have all your preferred settings added in under a minute.

Biggest problem with developing an SEO theme update is feature creep, while working on the code you think of a new feature and spend the entire day implementing it (took 2 hours just to make the file from the current settings) which slows a release down :-)
