Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme I had a quick look at the bbPress WordPress Forum Plugin on TwentyTen and the Stallion SEO theme and looks likes there’s some issues with Stallion, basically bbPress features missing.

Presumably there’s something bbPress forum code uses that’s not included in Stallion.

I noticed multiple rel=”nofollow” links during the tests, so will probably need the bbPress plugin code editing to make it worth recommending as part of an SEO setup.

I’ve played around with forums and I’ve found they just aren’t worth the time because the moderation of user input is a pain and because users have to register it’s hard to get them to comment without spending a lot of time posting to the forum yourself.

phpBB forum software (I think it’s the most popular forum software) for example (which I made a reasonably well SEO’d theme for) is awful.

With WordPress most SPAM comments are automatically deleted and the ones that are held for moderation are very easy to get rid of. With phpBB you have to log into a moderation part of the site, load each post that’s in the moderation queue to see what it is, click delete or whatever, confirm the action and wait for it to go back to the moderation section!!! Absolute nightmare time wise, must take over 30 seconds to delete one obvious SPAM post!

Stand alone bbPress forum is a little easier to moderate, but it’s still a pain to moderate.

It’s why I incorporates the SEO Super Comments plugin with improvements into Stallion, it’s easy for users to make a quick comment with no forum sign-up, is very easy to manage and the content is SEO’d because it’s using Stallion as the theme. Sad to say racists like the setup, have a thriving racist community on my jokes site, over 28,000 comments with most about racism!!!
