Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme I see the problem, the Stallion Connections Reloaded CSS file has this CSS:

.sidebar-box ul, .sidebar-box p, .sidebar-box .loginfm, .sidebar-box .wp-polls-ul {
float: left;
list-style-type: none;
border: #E1D6C6 1px solid;
margin: 0px;
padding-bottom: 20px;
background: url(images/connections-reloaded/commentsbottom.jpg) #F3F6ED repeat-x bottom;

What that CSS does is add the zigzag image (images/connections-reloaded/commentsbottom.jpg) at the bottom of widgets on the sidebars and adds other styling.

The problem is the Aweber form is inheriting “.sidebar-box p” all paragraphs within the sidebars basically.

I had the same problem with nested lists (ul, ul…) within the sidebar widgets so added the CSS below to the Connections Reloaded CSS file:

.sidebar-box ul ul, .sidebar-box ul ul ul, .sidebar-box ul ul ul ul {
background: url(images/connections-reloaded/blank.gif) repeat-x bottom;

This is an override so we don’t have loads of zigzag images loaded in the middle of widgets with nested lists.

Anyway, possible solutions.

Use one of the other Stallion colour schemes, only the Connections Reloaded theme colour uses that type of image at the bottom if I recall correctly.

Remove all P tags from the Aweber code as you’ve tried.

Edit the style-connections-reloaded.css file and remove all instances of “.sidebar-box p, ” you’d have to do the same for the layout CSS file you use as well style-310r.css. Note this would mean any widgets with paragraphs (there’s a few) will not have the zigzag image at the bottom and loose the other CSS styling within that code. I didn’t see any other widgets using paragraphs on your site so if you understand CSS this might be a solution, though would make updates problematic.

You could try adding some inline CSS to the Aweber form you’d need to replicate all .sidebar-box p code from the two CSS files and override them with the settings like

#af-form-164135139 p {background: url(images/connections-reloaded/blank.gif) repeat-x bottom;}

This would be a difficult task.

If there’s other CSS inherited by the paragraphs you might need to add more inline CSS

What you add inline CSS it should override the CSS within the CSS files because it’s loaded last.

I plan to take another look at the CSS code I’m using (not the next update, the one after), to see if I can give all Stallion CSS a unique class or ID so Aweber forms and similar don’t easily inherit the sidebar CSS.
