Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Theme by SEO Dave.

WordPress SEO Theme Sounds like you are entering the wrong code for the ID, when copying and pasting you can pull up extra spaces at the start/end of the code and having an extra space isn’t the right ID.

I’ve entered your email address to the transaction ID reminder form so you’ll have an email just with the Stallion ID, just in case you were using the wrong ID completely (it happens :-)).

There’s a ‘querk’ with the Stallion activation system when the wrong ID is added, after adding something to the Stallion Transaction ID form it always looks like it activated, doesn’t matter what you add the options page shows the AdSense settings etc…

For those interested it’s because the ID is added to the database, the options page checks there’s an ID in the database and finds an ID and loads the full options page, if it’s the wrong ID the options page deletes the ID from the database, but the page hasn’t reloaded so you still see the options (tried to add a page refresh in there but had problems with it, so added some text when the wrong ID is found, but it can be confusing: something I want to improve in the future). When loading the options page again it finds the ID is blank in the database so doesn’t show the full options page. So it’s working exactly how it should, but no refresh so a user knows the ID is right/wrong.

For a user who adds the correct ID it’s not an issue, but for those that add the wrong ID, but believe they have the correct ID it looks like the options page is broken.

The solution is add your email address to the reminder form to confirm you are using the right ID and make sure there are no spaces before or after your ID as you copied it.

If that doesn’t work let me know. If you think something is broken I can take a look by loging into a site, but send me the details by email not via a comment as it could go public if I’ve already approved one of your comments.
