Comment on Stallion WordPress SEO Child Theme by SEO Dave.

Stallion Child Theme China Travel Banners Problem is you’ve selected a white background header image which doesn’t work very well with the dark background business colour scheme. It’s a nice a header image as well, I use it with the built in lighter Stallion colour schemes.

Currently there’s no option to change font colours via an easy to use options page (something I want to add in a future update), there is a work around (see later).

Easiest solution is choose a different header image with a darker background.

Alternatively edit the file

.h1disc h1 a:link, .h1disc h1 a:visited, .h1disc span a:link, .h1disc span a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
color: #eee;
.h1disc h1 a:hover, .h1disc h1 a:active, .h1disc span a:hover, .h1disc span a:active {
text-decoration: none;
color: #FFA500;

Change the two color: codes (this bit #eee) to whatever colours you want (loads of websites online with websafe color codes, #000000 is black for example), first one is non-hoverover and the second is hoverover.

If you don’t want to edit files you can use this code

<style type="text/css">.h1disc h1 a:link, .h1disc h1 a:visited, .h1disc span a:link, .h1disc span a:visited {
color: #eee;
.h1disc h1 a:hover, .h1disc h1 a:active, .h1disc span a:hover, .h1disc span a:active {
color: #FFA500;

on the “Stallion All In One SEO” Options page (under the Stallion menu when under Stallion >> SEO Advanced options page “Stallion All in One SEO ON” is set.

Paste the code in the

“Additional Sitewide Headers”

Box and change the color codes to the colours you want.

The above technique can be used to override pretty much anything you find in the /stallion-child-business/colors/style-business-st.css file, you basically copy the CSS styles you want to change and add the bits you want to change into the sitewide headers box between the style code. Above I only added the color code since we weren’t trying to change the text-decoration (which is set to none, if you wanted underlined you would add text-decoration: underline;).
