Comment on SEO Super Comments WordPress Plugin by SEO Dave.

WordPress Blog SEO Comments The original Prevolac SEO Super Comments plugin I got the starting code from for the Stallion SEO Super Comments Plugin “creates” (not really creates as it’s all database based) an SEO Super Comment for every comment even a single word comment!

This was an awful idea for the sorts of reasons you’ve touched on which is why before I used it on a live site I added the character count so only reasonably sized comments are generating the links to the SEO Super Comments pages. The original functionality of “creating” an SEO Super Comments page for every comment is still part of Stallion SEO Super Comments, what the character limit controls is whether the link to the Super Comments page is shown at the bottom of the comment or not: so the super comments page is there all the time, but is only linked to when the character limit is met. If there’s no links Google etc… can’t find them. It’s equivalent to the WordPress search function, you can search a WordPress site for any word you like and if you link to the URL loaded for example WordPress SEO Consultant) Google will index it (the WordPress SEO Consultant search will be indexed now). As long as no one links to the search results they won’t be indexed.

This means if you have the character limit set to 400, Google etc… indexes the site and say indexed all 200 SEO Super Comments pages with 400+ characters. You change the character limit to 1,000 when Google reindexes the site the links to any Super Comments below 1,000 characters will be gone, but the pages will still exist (they can still be loaded). I would anticipate long term Google would remove most of them because of a lack of ways to find them naturally**.

** If external sites have linked to them, scraped your site or something that replicates the links they might remain indexed long term.

The number of characters to use is a difficult one. Most comments are small, so to benefit from the Stallion SEO Super Comments pages you can’t set it too high and if you set it too low the SEO quality of the pages it links to is debatable.

On the Super Comments pages I’ve attempted to automatically add more ‘unique’ content:

Thumbnail from the original post.

More comments by the same author which is an excerpt from the same authors other comments.

Support for the output of the Stallion Related Posts WordPress SEO Plugin from WordPress SEO Plugins. Specifically adds the related posts output for the original post.

So though 400 characters may sound small when you take the extra content into account it can add up.

A good SEO test would be too take a snapshot of how much traffic your indexed Super Comments pages are generating in say a month and check how many characters they have. If you find 90% of the traffic comes from comments with at least 1,000 characters there’s an argument for increasing the limit: set to 900 and check again a few months later to see if traffic overall has changed and if traffic to super comments pages has changed overall.
